Friday, January 3, 2020

Year in review

We started out 2019 with 4 cats/kittens not adopted from 2018 but quickly got news that momma cat Delphi had been adopted. Mom also spent New Year's Eve doing a rescue.

Marzen was also adopted. Mom traveled a little west and visited a cat cafe in Dayton.

And to round out January, everyone was adopted as Kilkenny and then Carling with both (separately) adopted.

February brought us new floors in our living room and dining room (foster room). Goldfish continued to make progress and coming out of her shell.

Mom brought some snow into the house and the tuxedo girls decided to snoopervise the guy doing the transitions on the new flooring.

March brought us a new water fountain (that didn't last very long) and Chanel was fascinated.

That danged tuxedo cat discovered she could get into the foster room. That discovery will come back to haunt her later in the year. They helped with the recycling as well. Mom also took a trip and stayed at Chateau Cupcake and went to Global Pet Expo with Julie.  And....we got our first litter of kittens for the year- the vacuums - Bissel, Roomba, Dyson and Hoover.

The kittens continued to do well and grow - as kittens tend to do.

Remember our comment about Chanel and the foster room? Well she got in there with Bissell and the kittens and got her butt kicked. The kittens were 26 days old. Plus we added 3 more kittens - the decoder boys: Enigma, Puzzle and Cipher (also known as yellow, green and screamy).

The smaller kittens got their freedom, Chanel ended up in the cone of shame after an abscess on her foot opened up, and the vacuum kittens got cuter

April came with more updates on the vacuum kittens and the decoders. Goldfish celebrated her first birthday.

Bissell went back to the rescue to be spayed and get adopted. Mom took that opportunity to introduce the vacuum kittens and the decoder kittens. As always, mom tried to get family pictures and didn't have much luck. Kitten mischief ensued and mom got some weights.

Mom and Chanel traveled to St Louis for the Cat Writers' Association meeting. She bought a new crate for the car and to use with kittens. We picked up a new spare kitten named Fate, 4 kittens went to the adoption center and Puzzle got adopted. 


  1. Sounds like a busy year but a good one. The kittens are just too cute. Have a good day.

  2. It's always busy, entertaining, and interesting in your home! Looking forward to the second half of the year. :)

  3. Aww, it's good to see all of your kittens again!

  4. Another busy year… I love seeing the kittens, and I remember them growing and growing. How fast a year flies...

  5. The first half of the year was lots of fun!

  6. That sounds like a busy year ! Purrs

  7. Wow, you really had a busy year! :)


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