Monday, February 10, 2025

Food puzzles

 We've mentioned it before, but Boba is pretty smart. Mom originally bought a food puzzle and Boba knows the sound it makes when it gets moved and comes running to play with it. Mom saw a different puzzle on sale at a local store and bought one to try. 

This is the original. The sliders don't take her too long to get open. There are 3 circles that have tops that curve over and those take her a little longer. 

Chanel shows up not to use the puzzle but eat what she can. 

The new puzzle is all different sliders don't it didn't take Boba too long to figure it out. 

Cleopatra showed up too see if 
there were any leftover treats. 

Mom likes having these as an option to distract Boba sometimes. Plus Boba gets excited when they come out so that's a bonus.

Do you have a food puzzle or good toy?

Monday, February 3, 2025

Finally February

 We have another short term foster. Clepatra is about 3 months old and here for about 12 days on meds for a cold. She is very sweet. 

Otherwise we've had a lazy week.