Monday, September 9, 2024

What a nice weekend

 We had a break in the hot weather here so we got in some good window whiffing. Mom says it is going back to the hots this week for a while but at least we know fall is coming.

Mom got spay surgeries scheduled for the girls. So it it is time to start looking for their forever homes. Biggest thing is no stairs. Neither has the balance. Buttons does fine on regular floors though she does spin out some. Pumpkin would do better with carpet to give her a grip to get around. She still isn't completely walking up on all fours but mom is hoping she will get there. They both eat and use the litter box with no assistance. So if you or someone you know might be interested,  please send them our way. They do not have to go together. 

Mom got the puzzle out this weekend too. But she used a different treat and Boba was unamused. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

The same is ok

 Not too much different going on here for now. Buttons did start sneezing last week and got a vet visit and started on meds. The interesting thing for mom was watching Buttons walk around the room. Wobbly but so much better on the slick floor than mom anticipated. 

Pumpkin is getting around though not quite as well. Mom has seen her get all four feet under her and stand up, but it only last a few seconds. 

The girls are not very cuddly very often but Buttons hung out with mom on Sunday. 

They are having a last with each other though. Just have to get them up to weight to be spayed then we can start looking for forever homes for them.

One last video - check out the butt wiggle and the ears.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Little more space

 The girls are doing well. Mom added a couple more panels so they have a little more space. 

The hardest part is keeping the adults out ' not that they are bothering the girls, but they are eating kitten food that they don't need. 

Buttons is definitely more mild of a case than Pumpkin. But both are getting stronger and getting around better. Any forever home will need to make accommodations but they eat and use the box with no help. 

They aren't spayed yet, but if you or someone you know might be interested in adopting, please email us (randomfelines at hotmail dot com). They do not have to go together but would benefit for living with other cats.