OK - we know what you are thinking.....nope - that isn't what we are talking about. MOL
When mom took Caramel in for his vaccinations, the rescue lady asked if our bathroom was empty. Since Caramel was leaving that night (and hadn't been in the bathroom for over a month) mom said yep!
Seems that a momma cat had come in with bigger kittens and the momma cat was spayed - though she still had some milk. And then.....an orphaned baby came in. It was worth a try, so they introduced the kitten to the momma cat (named Marble). And Marble decided to adopt that baby. The concern was that Marble wasn't producing enough milk for the kitten (Silver) so they were supplimenting. Mom said that she would be willing to help if they wanted. So, Marble and Silver came home with her last night. Mom set them up in the bathroom and put the blankets in a laundry basket to contain the baby.
my babeh...hands off
Mom has tried to suppliment Silver, but s/he isn't so sure about the bottle. And when s/he screams, Marble comes over and stands up to give mom the stink eye. (mom isn't sure is Silver is a boy or a girl yet)
Silver in the basket
hey!! bring dat back here....
So, since Silver doesn't act hungry, mom is just keeping on eye on everything. And Marble LOVES that baby.... In fact, mom went in to check on them around 4am and the laundry basket was EMPTY!! Mom looked over and Marble was in the corner on another blanket, Silver curled up next to her asleep.
The laundry basket was removed and a big soft bed put in place. Nope - Marble was to sleep in the corner and keeps moving Silver. So, mom spread the fleece blankets across that half of the bathroom.
Dis is a little better than the basket, but that corner looks good too
look - eyeballs....age guesstimate 10 days or so
Need more cute?
Lee County Clowder has a bottle baby - the neighbors found it and brought it to them to raise.