Monday, March 26, 2012

that didn't take long

Caramel went home on Sunday....we knew it wouldn't take too long. His new dad (yep - Caramel is living with a cat guy!!) has another female cat who is only about 6 months old, so Caramel is getting a new big sister. We wish them all well....and hope we get updates. :)

Mom has been checking on Madeline over at Petco. She is doing much better - the first few days she would hide and wouldn't eat. But we bought the food that she prefers and she is eating again. The one assistant manager says she will sit up on the shelves and chirp at them as well. We gots our paws crossed that she finds her forever family soon.

Mom was supposed to take new pictures of Marble and Silver, but she was slacking off.....but, the baby is doing well. Both eyes wide open and getting more mobile by the day. :) Sissy:

The shelter got her in and wanted her in foster care to make sure she stays healthy until there is space on the adoption floor for her. She is about 12 weeks old. She was pretty skittish the first few days, but is more comfortable now. She spent Sunday napping with mom in the chair. She still hisses at us sometimes, but we just ignore her. She has some scarring on her eyes (mom isn't sure from what but they look like Mo's scar so she suspects eye infections). She sees most stuff but mom doesn't think she sees everything. But, she is fun. She climbed in the toy basket yesterday to find just the right ball to get out and chase around.


  1. Wonderful news re: Caramel, we hope he settles in well to his forever home, with his new sister!

    Paws crossed for both Madeline and Sissy! (Such a cute pic of Sissy there.)

  2. We hope Caramel's new home and big sis are fantastic!!!

    Sissy is a beauty :-)

  3. Yey for Caramel! And hurray for cat guys! I'm glad he has a sibling too.... Sissy looks very pretty...I'm sure the hissies are very temporary! :)

  4. Hello Sissy!!! Awww what a beauty! And yay for Caramel!! Take care

  5. Isn't she a beautiful cat. It's very good news about Caramel

  6. We're delighted to hear Caramel got a new Dad and a new sisfur.
    Thank goodness Madeline is eating her food now she has her favourite.
    We hope Sissy settles down and finds a loving home.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Excellent news about Caramel - we know she is in for some serious spoiling.

  8. Oh Sissy, you are so cute. We just know you will find a great home really soon.Glad Caramel found a home all ready. That is exciting. Take care.

  9. Go, Caramel! We sure hope he's very happy in his new home!
    Look at how cute Sissy is!!!
    Play bows,

  10. What excellent news about Caramel and you all the way from here.

  11. Hurray for Caramel! purring that the others get homes soon!

    Thank you for dropping by our gotcha day party!

  12. Great news for Caramel! Hope the others find somewhere loving soon! :)

  13. You know, your Mom needs a revolving cat flap for all the fosters! Hurrah for Caramel!

  14. Great news about Caramel and doubly great that he will have a young sister aka someone to play, play, play with! :)
    Sissy U R lovely and we know it won't take long for someone else to see it too!

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  15. Oh sweet kitties! So happy for Caramel and purring for the other gorgeous babes! xo

  16. We wish Caramel a lifetime of love, security and pampering.

    Glad the baby is thriving and that Madeline is coming out of her shell a bit.

    The new foster looks like she might have a streak of mischief in her.

  17. Great about Caramel, we're glad to hear!!

    And aaaw, Sissy is so cute! We can't wait to hear of her being adopted :-)

  18. Yay for Caramel, fingers and paws crossed for Madeline and, whoohoo, Sissy - you sure scored a primo foster berth!! :-D

  19. Yay Caramel! Big purrs and good thoughts to Madeline for feeling more at ease and finding a wonderful forever home shortly. Sissy is a beautiful cat.


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