Friday, September 23, 2016

random friday

It has been a long week. The brandy kittens were not feeling well over the weekend so mom has spent a lot of time awake and being worried. Chambord (who is the smaller of the girls) was doing pretty badly and while we aren't out of the woods just yet, she is eating and nursing. They have all lost some weight and are on an antibiotic to help with their guts. Please send them some positive energy if you can. Oh...and if they could learn to eat canned food, that would be great too....

Marilyn did finally growl at Daiquiri the other night. Daiq went over the gate and all 3 brandy kittens freaked out. We think what set off Marilyn was the HOWL that one of the girls let loose at Daiquiri. Daiq, along with Ivy and Tommy who weren't even involved, all came slinking down the hall looking pretty guilty before mom could get back there to check on everyone.

We won a blogoversary prize from the ladies at Sweet Purrfections. Mom FINALLY got everything out and put this bed in one of our favorites spots. It has been pretty popular and there is usually someone sleeping on it.

We still only have one board up on the doors in the foster room (don't get mom started). However, she wanted to do something to break up the stark whiteness of it. She asked around, got some suggestions, and found Wordy Bird Studios and ordered the decal above. It is vinyl and sticks right to the panel on the door. Pretty easy to put on and is 24" by 24". The green bird is their logo and a test but mom thought it was cute and left it.

Once the other panels are up and the camera is back online (technical issues still), we are going to see how it looks. Mom is thinking something else on the panel to the right (the panel to the left can't be seen on camera and is half covered by storage). And she is also thinking about maybe getting our blog url and that of the rescue made up to put on the doors can never have enough advertising to get kittens adopted. :)

Mom says she doesn't care what the calendar says about fall....we still got the hots here and we want them to GO AWAY!


  1. Sure hope that the kittens feel better soon, especially Chambord. You all have a great week end.

  2. Concatulations on the win! That's always fun. We will keep the brandies in our purrayers.

  3. Love the decal! And I'm totally with you on the "hots ... GO AWAY!" Bring on the crisp, cool Fall.

  4. Poor kittens; sending purrs and head bonks to all! I like the cat decal!

  5. We're going to be hot here this weekend too. I'm purring lots for the kittens.

  6. We are celebrating one day of fall here today with light drizzle, but we'll be back into the upper 80s and 90s over the weekend. Then, we'll slide into fall at last! Sending all our feel better purrs to the kittens!

  7. That decal is super cute. Congrats on the giveaway win! I hope the fosters feel better soon.

  8. sendin de best oh R pal St Francis' blessings two ewe wee onez.....troo lee...
    we hope everee one haza way better day, each N everee day & yur all bak two 1000000 purrcent veree soon ~~~~~~ heerz sum pawz a tivez + + + + + + + + + +

    heerz two a yellowtail horse mackerull kinda week oh end two all ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  9. We cross our paws and hope that the kittens get better soon. Purrs

  10. We love the decal - and yes, the bird fits right in!
    Sending prayers for the little kit-cats!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. Hi Jeanne--unrelated question: Have you been using a water fountain for your cats and if so can you recommend a brand? I want to get one, but there are so many kinds on the market--I'd welcome suggestions.

    1. we have tried several fountains and can't find one that works for us. either it breaks or requires more maintenance than mom's car. Daiquiri loved the last one and everyone seemed to use it, but it died. we know Miz Robyn from Love & Hisses has fountains though.....

  12. We're with you about the hots here in Ohio—will it ever get cool and crisp? Glad to hear the kitties are doing a bit better:-)

  13. I hope the kittens continue to feel better. That Daiquiri sounds like a trouble-maker ;)

  14. Paws crossed that the kittens feel better soon! We had to laugh at all of the kitties looking guilty when Daiquiri was the one who got howled at.

  15. So glad the bed is popular. We wouldn't sleep in it, so Mom Paula gave it away.

    We hope the kittens are feeling better soon.

  16. Awwwww poor little kittens, we sure hope they get better very soon, we'll be sending many healing purrs fur them...

    Basil & Co xox

  17. Purrs for the kittens. I love the bird on the decal.. it is a nice touch

  18. Happy Purrday to Mozart!!!!! That bed looks really comfy. We hope all the kittens do well, we are sending healing purrs. When they are so little it is really hard ..................We remember how sick Yang was when he was just a little guy, and how scared we were he wasn't going to make it.


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