Monday, September 27, 2021

Play time

 While having the panels set up in the living room takes up space, it is allowing mom to keep an eye on Mike. He's doing well. He is getting stronger and figuring everything out.

There is a waterproof pad folded over in the pen. He loves to climb under half and play. 

Chanel and Baloo spend the most time watching him. Baloo will get in there more and likes to try to play. 


  1. Mike is a cutiepie!
    Glad to read that he's doing well.

  2. No wonder they want to play with him! He is adorable and feisty!! So happy he is doing well!

  3. What a cutie! He seems to be enjoying the attention of the bigger kitties.

  4. Mike looks like he is going great and is having a lot of fun! Yay!

  5. What cuet videos! I'm glad Mike is doing well.

  6. Yay for Mike! He's so cute, and we are glad he is doing well!


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