Friday, August 16, 2019

Random Fridays

Thanks for all the comments about Mopar. It is part of fostering, but it never gets easier (and if it does then we should probably find something else to do with our time).

mom walked into the bedroom last weekend and saw this
pretty sure she doesn't even WANT to know what those two were plotting

Lane adores that fish shaped kicker
which is good since her newest habit is to chew on mom

the face of the very smug (Fate)

Fate and Lane are recovering really well from surgery. Like most kittens, they came home, rushed out of the carrier, demanded a meal and ran around like they were on fire. Weirdos.

Luckily there is a spot at the partner store where mom helps clean so they are going to head up there tomorrow morning. There hasn't been a ton of luck with kittens out of this store, but mom would love to see it happen.

The bug kittens continue to do well. Mom put the happy duck from Miss Dee back in the foster room and they can be found curled up on him napping (btw - Fate tried this and mom saw him on the web cam....he didn't fit so well - hahaha).


  1. That fish kicker looks like great fun. You all have a fine Friday.

  2. Is that Goldfish with the orange eyes in the first photograph? Sinister…

    1. yep - that's her in all her "evil" glory...hahaha

  3. Bon Voyage, Fate and Lane! Here's hoping you two are snapped up into your furrever homes quickly.

  4. Good luck little ones! You're both adorable so we're sure someone will want a weirdo or two in their lives. MOL

  5. We’re happy to hear Fate and Lane did well with their surgeries even if they are weirdos. ;)

  6. I love that picture of your two. Most people would swear cats can't plot ... but I'm telling you ... I come home from a trip and they are thick as thieves. At least it doesn't last very long.

  7. We're glad to hear Fate and Lane are doing well ! Purrs

  8. Hooray for Fate and Lane! That goldfish kicker is awesome. :)


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