Friday, May 26, 2017

meeting new friends

Among the other things the kittens got to experience, our friends from Kitty Cat Chronicles brought Sophie to the hotel room for a visit.
Everybody put on their stranger danger suits at first.

And then Gucci decided Sophie wasn't so scary. As she walked around the room checking everything out, he started following her. It was pretty cute.

*OK - some of you saw this yesterday....dang technology outsmarted mom again  MOL


  1. There is nothing cuter than a puffed orange kitten !

  2. Way to go Gucci! Love the fluff suits!

  3. OMC, how cute! Now I don't feel bad about the kitten fluffing up when I met him at BlogPaws a couple of years ago!

    1. nope - it seems to be their first reaction to anything they don't recognize :)

  4. Gucci caught on quickly. (And frankly, kittens, you don't look scary, you just look cuter.)

  5. That is fun when kittens fluff up like that. What a great experience those kittens had going to blog paws.Have a great week end.

  6. Adorable! Sophie looks so good with Gucci and we're glad they got along wonderfully.

  7. Who could resist falling in love with these kittens? I just figured out why I was confused ... for some reason, I thought there was only one ginger in the litter - and he was also known as "Ouch d***-it!" {sigh} My brain must be fried - as there's obviously tw. I didn't get to see Gucci :( You truly did make our days at the Conference with the kittens. I love Julie's picture of the "angry/unsure" kitten after you took her cupcake away :)

  8. MOL! Stranger danger suits, how cute!

  9. Their little floof suits are so cute. They would probably not appreciate that we think them cute instead of fearsome, but it makes them that much more irresistible.

  10. Ahhhh, kittens!
    Glad you had a great time and got to meet them..

    Noodle and crew


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