Wednesday, September 14, 2016

weekend report

We know it is Wednesday, but mom was gone all weekend and didn't get around to updating anything until yesterday afternoon. She spent the weekend in Tennessee with her family and got back Monday night.

Which would be her excuse for not wishing Spud a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Barley wasn't adopted over the weekend, but the center seems to be busy on Tuesdays, so we are hopeful he will get adopted this week.

Liberty and Freedom
The patriot girls are back in the tower. They were both out of the foster room when mom got home and were running scared. She managed to get them and put them in the tower to keep them contained. She is going to email the head of the rescue about the next step. Mom is sure she can't get them any friendlier - they have been medicated so many times they are afraid of mom. Plus she suspect part of the reason for the continued snotty noses may be stress.

Marilyn continues to take very good care of her boys and Fiona's kittens. The brandy kittens are still pretty tiny, but they are active and eating and seem to be doing well. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but we continue to hope they will thrive.

With Hops adopted, Barley at the adoption center, and the patriot girls in the tower, Wheat was by herself in the foster room. And she was NOT happy about it. She sang the "I am very lonely" song over and over....loudly and in siamese.

So mom contacted the rescue and Tuesday afternoon brought home this:

Meet Saldano
Ironically, like Wheat she was left in a box at one of our remote adoption centers inside a pet store. We figure this means it was meant to be. She came right out of her carrier to check out the foster space and within an hour or so the girls were playing happily together.


  1. Happy belated birthday Spud! Very cute kitties :)

  2. OOH, cute! Happy Birthday, Spud!

  3. Happy belated birthday, Spud!!!!
    The kittens are so adorable!

  4. I'm so glad Wheat has a friend now! I don't know what you are going to do with Liberty and Freedom - maybe their names were a premonition, because that seems to be what they want.

    Oh, and happy birthday to Spud!

  5. Oh, Saldano is stunning, be still my heart.

    And yes, stress can keep noses snotty.. :( Maybe a change of foster homes will help them.. you never know..

  6. Saldano, you are so darn cute. And best of all Wheat has a friend. We are all crossing all our paws that they all find those wonderful homes.

  7. Cool! We're glad Wheat has a buddy to hang out with.

  8. Awww! They are so cute. We are happy Wheat has a new BFF.


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