Monday, June 6, 2016

weekend report

We gained some new kittens over the weekend. Our friend Miss Amanda found a kitten, went back and then found mom and 4 more kittens. She had them for a week and mom was spayed and released since she was feral. The kittens need some socialization and Miss Amanda has a lot going on. After some back and forth, mom picked up the kittens on Saturday morning. There are 2 orange tabbys and 3 torties. The orange boys spent about a day behind the pen in the foster room and are now out with the flower kittens. The girls need a little more work and are behind the pen until mom is sure she can catch them if she needs them.

Amaryllis says - heck NO to more kittens
she is 110% over kitten shenanigans

Orchid would like to know what is in the mysterious carrier

you can see Muscari and Dandelion in the background
with one of the girls putting on her stranger-danger suit

Muscari is VERY sure these kittens will make great playmates

Letting the orange boys out was uneventful. The older kittens are pretty good with them and the boys yell if they get too rough. Of the girls, one is pretty good right now, one needs a little work, and the last one is very sure that mom is evil. MOL They are probably about 5 weeks old, so we have time to get them friendly for adoption. Right now with the girls, mom will pick them up and hold them and she also sits with them when she puts out the canned food twice per day and makes them come right up to her to eat.


  1. What sweet little kittens and they are all so very cute.

  2. Yep, it's kitten season. And tots!!!

  3. Kinda feels like the passing of the baton!

  4. You have a full house! Purrs to the newbies, and to them all. Your mom will do a great job socializing, and all the playmates will help too.

  5. Oh goodie, more cuteness. That is one house full of kittens. What fun, well most of the time. Thanks for taking them.

  6. Oh, our favorite age for kittens. Thank you, Miss Amanda, for finding them all!

  7. Aww, cuties! Can't wait to see them all interacting!

  8. They are cute. How nice they have a place to learn socialization. It must be interesting around your house with regulars, fosters and ferals. :)

  9. We enjoyed visiting the kittens and seeing them play..Bridgie is the only one around here even remotely kittenish!

  10. KITTIES!!!!!! Thank you for taking them in and helping get them ready to adopt! Socialization is SO important!!!
    We LOVE how Muscari's markings are turning out!

  11. two de wee kittehz....ewe all look grown up now !!! ♥♥♥

  12. How fun! I'm sure EVERYONE will be human-friendly and happy in short order.

  13. That's a lucky bunch of kittens. Full tummies, love, socialisation and friends!

    The Chans

  14. She's saying "I didn't sign up for this!" MOL!
    Cute babies!

  15. Wasn't that long ago your mom was wishing for kittens...looks like she got her wish and then some. :)

  16. Mom bean saw the kittens on Facebook so she let us watch them on the video....those little ornj kitties are furry busy!

    Poor Amaryllis she must be wishing for somewhere to get some peace and quiet.
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  17. The older kittens are probably wondering where those youngsters came from.

  18. Sounds like such a handful! What cute pictures.


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