Friday, May 1, 2015

random Fridays

mom is waiting for Daiquiri to fall off
Daiquiri gets up there and dances around,
chases her tail and leans over too far 
All from the second to the top shelf...sigh

Mom found a nippy heart that we won from The Swiss Cats a while ago
She let us have it and it was a huge hit
Junior snuggled up with it 

Then Spud gave it a god

The rest of us have been enjoying it as well. Mom also ordered some new toys from Hauspanther to give Daiquiri something different to chase and fetch. In the box were something called skitters that are just the right size for Daiquiri to be able to fetch. So far she loves them. Unfortunately, Mo smacked one into the kitchen and Tim decided to drown it in the water dish....not sure cardboard toys are going to survive that tactic. Anyhow, here she is with her new toy:

Nothing too exciting going on here this weekend....probably not quite warm enough for window wiffies. But mom said stay tuned for a transport story next week.

And there is another special auction going on for a blogging friend. If you can help out, go check it out - there is lots of great stuff (including a couple of ham-micks and those plastic ducks). CLICK HERE


  1. It looks like everyone knows how to have a good time over there. By the way, I love Daiquiri's racing stripe. Didn't notice that until now.

  2. It looks like everyone has lots of fun ! Purrs

  3. Daiquiri sure has a lot of energy...but then, she is a kitten. ;)

  4. Daiquiri has the cutest little squeek! New toys are always great, even resurrected old toys are great!

  5. We're all big on fetching toys around here. Well, our brother Quint is the fetch king. He was all over watching that video! Hi Daiquiri!

  6. Daquiri, you do like that fetch stuff. Bet you make the Mom smile.
    Thanks for the shout out for the auction.
    Have a terrific day.

  7. daiquri....we loves yur markings !!!

    iz thiz de first time we haz been abe bull ta see yur coat ???

    ore haz wee been buzzed N dinna noe tiss it bee fore !!

    it bee awesum ☺☺☺

    heerz two a manefish madtom kinda week oh end everee one ♥♥♥

  8. What a fun game! And I love her cute little meow.

  9. *snicker* Spud gave it a god? Must be an AMAZING toy to be godlike! *heeee!* (that was totally our mommy, she has a sick, sick, sick sense of humor)

    Yeah, dunking cardboard = not so god, err, we mean GOOD on toys! MOL!

  10. Those skitters look like fun! Daiquiri is FAST, and we love that cute little meow. :)

  11. What a nice cat tower! and everyone seems to be having a great time!!!!!


  12. Oh, be careful Daiquiri! And we'll look forward to your transport story!

  13. Daiquiri, I think you and I would be great friends!
    Yours sincerely,


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