Thursday, April 30, 2015


do they not kill you with the cute???
Tostada is the darker tabby girl
Taquito is the lighter tabby girl

Blanco...honestly, he is a whiny little guy....but adorable

sleeping girls

Margarita says "turn off the dang flashy box lady"

a momma's work is never done

Still no real interest in canned food or the litterbox, but we are sure they will get the hang of it. They are getting more and more mobile....and into the hoppy stage. They run forward, hop a couple of times, then fall over (cause gravity is a greater force when you are that short). They are super curious about mom and come over to check her out when she goes in and sits on the floor with them. They haven't discovered Daiquiri yet - she still hops the gate and sits outside the bathroom door. She has been told off a couple of times by Margarita, but when they caught sight of each other a couple of days ago, Margarita didn't get too worked up. So it may just be the closed door thing.


  1. their names are as precious and adorable as they are!

  2. Those tabby stripes kill me with cute. :-)

  3. Just discovered a mamma cat and two kittens living under a fallen tree at my office...the babies look just like yours, if not a week older. I've only seen a couple of little faces, and mamma runs away, so I'll need to do more work to 1) get them a bit used to me, 2) determine ages, so TNR can happen!

    1. mom TNR'd a feral a few years ago (our Allie). they lived in a big wire crate until the kittens were weaned just so we could keep track of everyone (Allie moved the kittens 3 times before they were caught)

  4. Oh my goodness, they are absolutely adorable! Love the name Blanco for the black kitty :)

  5. Crazy cute! How do you get anything done? I would just want to watch them all day!

    1. mom works in an office and we have no camera here at home :)

  6. Mum says she feels like gathering them all up and bringing them home - we're so glad you're over the ocean!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. We totally love seeing those little cuties!

  8. I agree with the Cat Guy; whether they are sleeping or active, those kittens would be addictive to me.

  9. Goodness, they are just too cute. Almost time for them to be galloping through the house. Take care.

  10. We're suckers for stripes! Carol,Peachs & Paprika

  11. What adorable sweeties they are...purrs to all and their Mom!

  12. we dunno which fotoz bee mor price lezz.....♥♥♥♥ oh, N when ya start in on foodz guys.....make sure ya stay a way all costz !!!

  13. They are so cute! And I just have to say -- you come up with the best names! I love how there is always a theme. So cute!
    By the way, thanks for sharing the link that that CH kitty video on Facebook - adorable! Love those wobbly walkin' kitties! See you at BlogPaws?

  14. They're so adorable. And Margarita sure is getting good at the disdainful look for the pawparrazi!

  15. Faraday: Blanco if we were surrounded by GURLZ we'd whine too!!!!

  16. Oh, goodness! Each and every one of you is SO CUTE!!!!!!


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