Friday, August 1, 2014

random Fridays posted 20 cat facts to share with your was interesting and mom printed it off to send to the kid.
Saturday is another adoption event. Mom will be taking Ash and the girls. Calvin and Winston are just too danged snotty. And then up to the adoption center.....

Thanks for all the suggestions from yesterday. Mom is gonna have to do some looking around - and then find a handy man. :)

Coral and Quartz are right now at the clinic being spayed and mom will pick them up after work. Jet was WAY too snotty to have surgery.


  1. It sounds like a lot of snot at your place. I hope it clears up soon.

  2. Poor snotty kittens. Good luck at the adoption event! Sending good adoption vibes... Purrs....

  3. I hope things get worked out with your crew soon!

  4. Purring for the little ones to be snot free soon. Good luck with the catification!

  5. best fishes everee one at de adoptionz ee vent...we hope ewe all findz yur for evers...N we hafta wunder bout number 12 on de list coz we all like sweetz heer in TT !!! happee week oh end two all N heerz ta lemon sole & lake trout ♥

  6. Is it Ivy's purrday? We wanted to wish her a happy birthday.

    We are purring for healthy kitties!!

  7. We purr that all went well for Coral and Quartz. Good luck at the adoption event.

  8. We sure hope everything gets sorted out.

    Good luck at the adoption event tomorrow!

  9. Happy birthday, Ivy. You kind of got forgotten with the kittens around, but we hope all goes well tomorrow.

  10. Happy Birthday sweet Ivy and girls, come back from the Vet feeling good! Well as good as you can. xoxox

  11. Mom bean read on Facebook Coral and Quartz did great with their surgery. Good luck to the kitties going to the adoption event - we hopes they find their furever home soon. AND we hopes Winston and Calvin get over their snot!

    Happy Birthday Ivy!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  12. Good luck to the kitties - and happy birthday, Ivy!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


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