Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ready or not.....

42??  Thanks for the responses - mom had no idea that Mo had been reading The Hitchhikers Guide. :)

Mom laughed when she saw a post yesterday from repositorio da marilia cause she has a very similar picture of Sally. Mom asks all the time how we sleep like this - we aren't tellin'. :)

Well, mom THOUGHT today is the day....Sally made weight over the weekend so she and Doc were headed to the clinic for surgery..... Mom got over there and they brought Sally back up. She weighs 1.8 pounds. argh!!!! Mom took her BACK home and will pick Doc up after work and they will spend a little time in "recovery" before being allowed to run all over again.

Mom is pretty sure the flashy box is dead. Sometimes it takes ok pictures, and sometimes they look like this:

Poor Sally looks like she has some weird disease.  :)

And if you could spare some purrs for Mahoney, that would be awesome. She is hurty and they aren't sure why.....

Now, for your snickering pleasure, the antics of Doc and Sally.....


  1. That video had our mom squeeing like crazy. :-)

    We'll cross our paws for Doc's quick recovery and for Sally's spaying, once she's back up to weight!

  2. I am sure purring for Mahoney and Cinders bless their hearts. xoxo

  3. SOMEBODY does NOT want to play whappy paw!

  4. Ha roo roo roo! I just loved that video! Can I come over and play with you guys?!?!
    Play bows,

  5. Don't you hate it when you think they have made weight and then they use the litter box and don't tell you!! :)

    I love the video. I love the slow motion wrestling, I love the "I'm done wrestling" "But I"m not" chase. I love the butt half hanging out the tent thing (love the tent thing) and I LOVE how at the very end Sally sneaks out the bottom to get his tail while I'm sure he's getting hers.

    I wanna come play with your kittens..

  6. Awwwww two terrific kitties!! Yay for Sally and Doc playing pounce!! Doc's leg hanging out the pink cube - too cute!! Take care

  7. Wow - that is some rough housing going on there!!! Doc looks so much like our Fred!!! We imagine he must have looked just like Doc when he was a kitten!

  8. Kittens sure are fun to watch. Loved the video. That Doc is a wild man.
    Thanks so much for the shout out for Mahoney.
    Purring for Doc's recovery from his man surgery. Take care.

  9. OMC I am so in love with Doc....just look at his long legs, he is going to be a biggun'!!! He is so like Casper when he was a young wild man - LOL :-)

  10. Doc is so long and slender. I just love to watch kittens play.

  11. Hope the flashy box isn't really broken but they do tend to go when you want to take something you consider important. You don't have anything important to photograph, do you? Then it should be good for another so-so dozen. :)

  12. Makes you wonder where she hid those extra ounces on the way to the vet so she didn't have to have surgery..
    Love the silly Sally and Doc video!

  13. Funny kittens, watching them play makes me almost get another one (or maybe two so they can play together) but then I think NO,NO,NO!

    Purrs for Doc and Mahoney

  14. Haha! Doc and Sally are having so much fun! We wanna join them!

  15. 42 is always the answer. Admittedly, sometimes the questions has ta be twisted a bit...

  16. I wouldn't be able to breathe if I napped like that!


  17. Sorry about the flashy beast! We are sure there will be a new one clicking away soon.

    Momma would say, "you two are going to play like that until someone gets hurt! Then don't come mewling to me!" BOL!

  18. it's a cute nap pose. Pity the flashy beat is dead - not! Meow from us!

  19. I luv's watchin Kitties play, that was super cool..
    Big hugs Mollie xx


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