Monday, July 23, 2012


Mom released the foster monsters on Sunday for a little bit. They came storming down the hall and played for quite a bit. It is funny to see them with Doc and Sally who are so much bigger.....

back off big white hairy guy

They were very good and spent over an hour running around until mom put them back. They are still pretty little (all right around a pound with Moonshine & Whiskey being the biggest at just over a pound).
Once mom got everyone back, she realized that Bourbon was MIA. She searched and found him sitting on the stairs watching Doc play in the entry way. She called and Bourbon started bouncing back up the stairs. Mom had to get it on video she was so proud. Some might find it hard to watch cause he does struggle a big (mom cut his nails after this since that seemed to be a big part of his problem) but she was so proud to see the little guy make the effort. He does run funny but he gets around and plays just as hard as all his relatives.


  1. Awww....those are some seriously cute kittens! :)

  2. Bourbon is certainly a brave kitten and very determined.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Bourbon is such a sweetheart. It really is heartwarming to see him succeed.

  4. Awwww, he wants to run with the big cats!

  5. Bourbon certainly has determination! He's such a wee little thing--they all are. So precious. The mom's kitten fix for the day. :-)

  6. Bourbon is a very determined little mancat!

  7. Oh that made my day seeing Bourbon climb up those steps. I think his little claws were getting stuck on the carpet. Good Lord he is cute. I think he is going to be all right. Thanks for doing that video.

  8. That is one big bunch of little cuties!

  9. Such a proud moment! We think Bourbon has the right attitude!

  10. Awwwwwwwwww!!! Oh wow!! Oh that clip of tiny baby gorgeous Bourbon climbing up the steps - tooo cute!! Take care

  11. Oh my goodness, he is amazing!! you should change his name to clark kent, because he is SUPERMAN!! :)

  12. I get all mushy over these babies.

  13. What a brave little monkey! He hasn't got a clue there's anything wrong with him, does he? Bourbon, you make me all proud and misty at the same time!

  14. Way to go, Bourbon. You are one cute, determined kitten.

  15. They're so sweet. And Bourbon is a little hero!

  16. Good job Bourbon!!! He's so darn cute! Of course they all are, but he's a special little character.

    Thanks for sharing the video.

  17. What adorable darlings. Love the video - it put a big smile on my face.


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