Monday, September 21, 2020

Weekend report

 It's finally fall here. Open windows and no more of the hots. Yay!!

Mom rearranged the foster room a little. Half is blocked off to keep the kittens out of the big litter boxes. Those have clumping litter and kittens like to try to eat everything which is a bad combination. They have their own box which Hurray used in the first hour. Genius!! Poor Huzzah is chirping up a storm trying to keep the kittens in one location. 

Hurray - short hair black female
Yippee - short hair gray male
Yahoo - fuzzy gray female

Daiquiri and Ivy both go tomorrow for dental cleanings. Based on what we've been told at their last wellness check up, they are both probably going to lose some teeth. But Daiq has been super grumpy lately so hopefully this will help her feel better.


  1. Those kittens are just over-the-top cute!

    Best of luck to Ivy and Daiquiri re: their dentals; we hope all goes well for them both. Purrs from Derry.

  2. Look at those little fuzzballs!
    Daiquiri, dispersions were thrown at your attitude!

  3. Awww, those kits are the sweetest! Sending pawsitives your way for the dental visit.

  4. What a nice kitty report and we love the kittens names. Good luck with those dentals

  5. Purrayers that the dental checkups and the kitten separations work out well !

  6. I hope the dentals went well for both Ivy and Daiquiri!

  7. Purrs for Ivy and Daiquiri, hopefully they won't lose too many teeth.

    Mom bean is a mess over those kittens. We're darn happy to live far, far, away!

  8. We hope everything goes well for the dental. Those kittens are so cute ! Purrs


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