Monday, August 17, 2020

weekend report

 Good news: Napa and Savoy got ADOPTED together!!! The family has 3 kids and actually saw them online. Mom talked to them about giving the boys time to adjust and thinks this is a great match.


 Mom also rearranged some of the cat furniture in the living room. The cat ladder is now centered on one window (it was previously centered on both windows which meant it ran along the center line on the windows). This gives the girls a clearer view outside. Mom bought another tall scratcher too.

The capital kittens are doing well. They are goofy and active. Surgery is scheduled for Friday. We knew they were short term fosters but they've been fun. Juneau and Columbia are super friendly and outgoing. Bismarck and Albany are a little more cautious but warm up after a few minutes. They've been a fun group.


  1. The Capital kittens have been capital!

  2. I love that cat-ladder. And the kittens this time seem to have adjusted very well, swiftly. Good news all around, especially about the adoption.

  3. All that wonderfulness might make up for some of the losses earlier. Those Capital Kittens remind me of so many other litters!

  4. Great news indeed. We like that ladder and want our cat walk back. We have to get with Dad on that

  5. conga ratz napa and savoy and de best two ewe both ☺☺☺ happee gotcha day ♥♥☺☺

  6. Such great news on Napa and Savoy! And we simply adore the capital kittens! If only they were on this side of the Atlantic!

    Tama and Genji

  7. Congratulations Napa and Savoy! That is wonderful news! Best to all the capital Capitals!

  8. Hooray for Napa and Savoy! We're sure they'll have lots of fun in their furever home.

    Paws crossed for the Capital kitties too. They're so darned cute.

  9. Kittens are always fun times, aren't they? Well, except the ones with super hissy moms or poop problems ...


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