Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend report

we did a lot of this....Junior had a great idea

OK - and mom did some yelling at the tv. Basketball tournament time has arrived. sigh....

And....for those who never believe a picture can make all the difference, a lady came to the rescue on Friday specifically to meet Pocahontas cause she saw this picture:
Her application was approved and she came back Saturday to take her home!! Woohoo


  1. Pocahontas looks like she's really putting effort into that raspberry - and good advertising it was, too!

  2. We are so happy for Pocahontas. We hope she enjoys her furever home with her new family. Sounds like a great weekend to us. Thanks for sharing the wonderful news. Have a great day and get ready for March Madness.
    World of Animals

  3. Pocahontas knows how to work the camera. Good for her!

  4. We cheered at the TV, 'cause our team won the Big 10 tourney!
    If I lay on the futon, Da Boyz will's wonderful!

  5. OMC, that is a brilliant photo of Pocahontas! SO glad she got adopted!

  6. So glad Pocahontas found a home. Great picture. Have a great day.

  7. Yay for Pocahontas! Weekends are for kitties, basketball, and naps!


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