Friday, February 15, 2019

Random Fridays

we've had that cube for somehow got flattened
notice someone doesn't really care

spyin' on the neighbors


Should be a fairly quiet weekend around here - if you can ignore the mom yelling at the tv while she watches basketball.

No kittens yet....pretty much too cold here and too early. However, if you need a kitten fix, our friends over at Love and Hisses have some cuties (just born 2/13)

Oh - and mom took Chanel for Valentine's pictures and they were processed:


  1. Great pictures Chanel. Well done. You all have a good Friday and a better weekend.

  2. Heh ... I think the Little House on the Prairie kittens will soon take over the internet -- they seem to be the only kittens out there! Ma Caroline and Pa Charles's story is sooooo sweet!

  3. Enjoy your quiet weekend efurrybody! You might want to nap in another room while your mom bean shouts at the noisy box.

    Love the photos of Chanel!

  4. You are such a supermodelcat, Chanel!

  5. I think half of the fascination that humans have for cats, is the weird positions that they will sleep in! Chanel, purple is your color!

  6. Those are the cutest Valentine's Day photos!!

  7. Chanel looks so glam in her Valentine's photos!

  8. We love the "shrimpin'" shot and oh, my! Chanel's Valentine's photos are so beautiful!
    Cam and Mags

  9. Chanel, you look so great in your Valentine's Day photos. We love when a kitty is spying on the neighbors. Thanks for the lovely share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  10. Chanel should be a kitty model! That face could sell anything!

  11. Those Valentine's photos of Chanel are purrfect. And all of the random ones made us smile, too!


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