Friday, April 13, 2018

Random Fridays

Mom took the recycling out on Wednesday and there was a black cat sitting across from the garage. She tried to get a picture but it took off. And based on the quick glance, it was NOT Allie. Guess what mom will be up to soon???

The kittens are doing well. For some reason during the day they are over in the corner where mom can't see them on the camera (brats). But in the evenings they tend to wander around more. They are getting mobile though certainly aren't very steady all the time. Veria (the dilute calico) is still having some eye issues so mom is medicating her 2-3 times per day. Everyone else seems to be doing fine.

It is supposed to warm up here tomorrow, so paws crossed maybe mom will crack a window or two.


  1. Too bad about Veria. Hope her eyes get better quickly. They are all so cute. Have a great day.

  2. We hope Veria's eye improves soon. Smooches to all the precious little ones.

  3. What cuties! Hoping for warmer weather for you.

  4. We cross our paws and hope Veria's eye gets better soon. Purrs

  5. We can't say adorable enough. These kittens look like such sweethearts. Have a good weekend!

  6. "A'trapping we will go, a'trapping we will go...Hi Ho the Merry-o, a'trapping we will go!"

  7. guyz !!!!! ewe haz yur veree own twister matt... :) rite paw on yellow :) ☺☺♥♥

  8. Oh, craziness. When I see your kitten pictures, all I can think is "KITTENS! KITTENS! CUTE! AWWWW!" For a blogger, I sure lose all coherence. Are any of these kitties making the trip to BlogPaws?!

  9. Time to bring out the kitty trap.

    OMC those kittens get cuter efurryday!

  10. All we can say is "kittens!"
    They are so darn cute.
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  11. They're getting so BIG!!! Such adorable mini kit-cats!!!!

  12. I love watching wobbly kittens try to go places.

  13. We sure hope Veria is better soon. And that Mom catches that black kitty!


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