Friday, March 30, 2018

Random Fridays

So how do you plan to spend YOUR weekend???

This half wall sits at the top of the stairs and seems to be Chanel's new favorite spot. Which would be fine except the drop to the floor (to her left) would be about 10 feet and her balance isn't all that. We suggest mom start looking into good pet insurance.

The kittens continue to do well. Delphi is great with them though spending some time off the heated bed. Everyone eyes are open - for the most part anyhow. 


  1. The little kitties are so cute. But so is everyone else. Can't wait til the kittens are getting around. You all have a wonderful Friday.

  2. Oh noes...Chanel, you keep safe little one! Look at all the oldsters: sleeping, and the wee babes: sleeping!

  3. You be careful little Chanel, we kitties are pretty good at falls, but not that good!

    We are going to have a lazy weekend, watching the mom bean run around cleaning house. Just like always, MOL

  4. I think all kitties are daredevils to a certain extent - I like to balance on the shower glass, and just yesterday, while she was outside on the leash, Binga tried to jump off a ledge that must have been about 7 or 8 feet up! My human had to pull back the leash to keep her from doing that.

  5. Cats always seem to like to dance around on those high balconys and walls.

  6. Oh gosh, Chanel! Be careful! Those kittens are too cute.

  7. Too much cute on all fronts! Kittens are, well, kittens ... but your crew gives them a run for their money!

  8. Yes, I would be wary of a cat on a ledge like that. They do give us worries, don't they?

  9. Eek - Chanel! That's a scary place! Hoppy Easter you guys!!

  10. OMC. Chanel, that is totally scary. Apparently more for your mom than for you, but BE CAREFUL!


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