Tuesday, July 11, 2017

cat guys

Mom had an interesting conversation at an adoption event on Saturday. She had taken Chanel, Bogart and Rooney to the event along with other kittens from the adoption center. A guy in his 20s came up and they were talking about cats and he mentioned that he rescued a kitten that had wandered into his back yard. Mom said that the world needed more cat guys like him. He kind of blushed and said he didn't want to be called a cat guy.

But why not? While mom gets annoyed with the "crazy" part of cat lady, it seems that being called a cat guy is a cool thing. There are famous cat guys: think Jackson Galaxy. There are some cat guys that some people wouldn't think are cat guys: Chris Barron the lead singer of the Spin Doctors is on Twitter and takes time on Saturdays to like and retweet cat pictures. Mr. Blasko on Instagram plays bass guitar for Ozzy Osbourne and is a cat guy.

There are are cat guys that blog: Brian's Home is run by his dad Terry; Animal Shelter Volunteer Life is written by our friend meowmeowman (aka Kevin); I Have Three Cats is written by John. (and those are just the ones mom can think of off the top of her head...we bet there are lots more out there - be sure to share and let everyone know).

And then there are the lady bloggers with cat guy husbands that are too numerous to list here....but there are LOTS of them.

Of course there is Cupcake's new dad as well:

(c)Julie M from Sometimes Cats Herd You

Do you have a favorite cat guy? 


  1. That is so true. Terry, of Brian's home, is our favorite cat guy. We know lots of cat dads and they are the best. Have a fantastic day.

  2. Let's see, other than The Hubby, I know of a few cat guys who blog:
    Peeballs and Pooplogs at http://oldfartkitty.blogspot.com/
    Four White Paws at http://www.fourwhitepaws.net/
    If I find any others, I'll add them!

    1. Here's another cat guy blogger:

    2. We didn't know about that third one....thanks

  3. My husband, without him we would not be able to foster the bottle babies or any babies. He is the one who gets up in throughout the night to feed the little ones. He is the one that does so much of the work involved in having fosters.

  4. Yes, there are plenty of cat-guys. Famous cat-men, to name a few, were Churchill, William Burroughs, T. S. Eliot, Poe, Lincoln, Sigmund Freud, Baybars, Borodin, Raymond Chandler, Robert Goulet, Isaac Newton, Samuel Johnson and Ravel.

    And let's not forget Morgen, the managing editor of the Cat Blogosphere site.

    1. Oops....thanks for the reminder. We love Mo & Eyad

  5. Oh yes, we have a couple of fave cat guys. The first is mommy's boyfriend, Will. He saved a kitten from near-death by crawling underneath a car. Then there's Ian Somerhalder. We adore him.

  6. Any guy that is a cat guy is my favorite! My human's boyfriend is actually more of a dog guy, but he really loves all animals - and he adores all of us.

  7. This is why the myth of the crazy cat lady must die.. MUST.. I am so sick and tired of people trying to make it a good thing, you never will. Too many people think that cats are smelly and gross and make your house stick because of that myth. I just had to stop a contractor that was in our office the other day from going too far because she was commenting that a friend of a friend had adopted three kittens at once and she was about to say something that she wouldn't have if she knew I had six cats in my house - so I told her. :)

  8. My hubby is a cat guy and I love him. I never even had a cat until I met him :)

  9. We don't know any cat-men personally but we greatly admire them. We need more.

  10. Awww! There are LOTS of cat guys out there! Our great-brother Zim was a kit-cat lover and he was VERY manly!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. Our favorite cat guy is our Momo of course, but there are many great cat guys in the Cat Blogosphere ! Purrs

  12. Cat guys are the best! We're kind of biased because we love the manpeep and feel lucky to have such a pawesome cat guy who loves us so much.

  13. Oh yeah, cat guys are cool! And should be proud to be called one.

  14. A fondness and appreciation for cats is attractive no matter what you call it!

  15. Being a Cat Guy is cool... just ask our Dad who loves cats, takes the very best care of us, and is known at the shelter as the Kitten Whisper. Our Mom HATES the crazy cat lady stigma and... well, you don't want to know her exact thoughts.

  16. Our furravorite cat guy is our bean brofur. Mom bean calls him the cat whisperer as he can get any of us to do anything he asks. We happen to think that cat guys and gals are pawsome!


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