Monday, October 3, 2016

weekend report

Mom was hoping to move Marilyn and the little kittens into the foster room with Saldano and Wheat. However, the little kittens still need to be tested. That should happen Tuesday. Then mom wants to clean up some in there and then will move everyone. The bathroom is getting a little small for kittens that want to run around and play.

But the girls are doing well. Saldano is a little hand shy but puts up with a lot of stuff. Wheat is hard to get a picture of at this point since she likes to come RIGHT UP to mom for some loving.

Everyone else is good.....


  1. Their fur looks very frizzy. They resemble little werewolves.

  2. Yippee for everyone feeling well! Such an adorable bunch!

  3. Such cutie pies. The whiskers on the middle kitty are so long!

  4. I'm glad everyone is doing well. I'm sure the kittens are aching for more room to play!

  5. Good is good.. I hope it stays uneventful. While it isn't good for blogging, it is helpful when you have so many

    1. seriously....we will take good for a nice very long time

  6. guys....we iz buzzed happee everee onez doin sew well.... hope all de testz come bak grate sew moovin dayz just round de korner ♥♥♥

  7. We're happy to hear everykitty is doing well. We bet the kittens will love having a little more room to scamper around!

  8. We're glad everybuddy is doing well.

  9. Great to hear that efurrybody is doing well. They sure are cute.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. Oh my gosh they are so stinking cute! The gray ones remind me of baby Leo.. I want to snatch them up and snuggle!!! And the pointed one... those are a weakness of mine! Smooches kittens!

  11. They're adorable! Kitties who come right up for some loving may be hard to photograph, but they're bound to be easy to adopt out to great homes, we hope!

  12. Great news ! They are cute, they look so floofy ! Purrs


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