Friday, April 22, 2016

Random Fridays

Oh the foster room is driving Daiquiri nuts. Amaryllis, thankfully, seems ok with her new stalker, though she has been a little vocal if Daiquiri sticks her nose in the space between the doors. When mom moved things around on Wednesday and "released" the kittens, then Daiquiri REALLY lost her mind. She can sit on a shelving unit near the doors and look it and she was chirping away as the kittens were toddling all over the place.

With the kittens now out of the box and given a little more space, they have found a favorite spot....on the far side of the room from the camera next to the sliding door. And right by the entrance mom uses to get into their space. Orchid tried to make a run for it the other night, but her legs are still too short. MOL

We hope you all have a great weekend. Mom has an adoption event she is working on Sunday and hopes to be able to do a little rearranging in the foster room as well. We are just hoping the weather stays nice so the windows stay open.


  1. Those little kittens are growing quickly and will keep you on your toes.

  2. They are endlessly adorable. We look forward to the stories of Crazy Kitten Time.

  3. I don't blame Daiquiri for being excited! How fun to have kittens in the house.

  4. It looks like Daiquiri wants to play with the kittens. Purrs

  5. Does Daiquiri want to play? Who could blame her! I'd want to go play with the teeny kit-cats, too!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  6. What adorable kittens! Your mom is so wonderful to be a foster mom!

  7. Don't worry, Daiquiri, those kittens are gonna keep you going and going!

  8. Oh poor Daiquiri. Not to worry, I bet it won't be long before those kittens are running all over the house. They sure are cute. Bet they get adopted pretty fast. Have a great week end.

  9. How they have grown! My goodness, such a precious pile of fur.

  10. I wonder if Daiquiri wants to play with them? Such cuties.

  11. Hey, it's Sunday and we are kitten watching. One of the orange and white tots - is his/her back legs ok? They look a lot more wobbly than the others.

  12. Orchid! You'll break out one of these days! MOL!


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