Friday, August 8, 2014

random Fridays

Quick side note: Tuesday night non-Calvin and Winston DID go back to the adoption center. However, it was due to their URI getting worse. Both were in need of stronger meds and probably neubulizing (which we aren't set up for) and mom wasn't certain Winston was eating. The concern is for them but also to keep everyone else around here healthy.....

Coral and Quartz getting their snooze on

Tommy says "MINE"

Quartz's shaved belleh

We hope you all have a great weekend. Jet is scheduled for her spay on Monday. Once that happens and she has a couple of days to recover, she will be ready to be adopted. The theory is that the 4 kittens here (Coral, Quartz, Ash and Jet) will then go up to the adoption center.
(right...sure they will....darned kittens here those two words and sneeze on me. the mom)


  1. Poor Not-Calvin and Winston. We hope their URI clears up soon. It's no fun being snotty!

  2. I hope all is well for those babies?

  3. We hope Not-Calvin and Winston will soon be better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Shaved bellies in the summer can be quite cooling, I think. Come winter, they'll need a warm blanket.

  5. We sure hope all of the little ones are on the mend soon!

  6. Lol, Oh we know all about that sneezing. The cat that stays in the extra bedroom by herself is now sneezing like crazy.So I guess it is all air borne. She hasn't been near another cat for weeks. Hope those kittens stay all right so they can find themselves a nice home.

  7. Purrs to the kittens - I hope they are better very soon!

  8. Holy Codfish! What is up with Teh Snots this year?

  9. We hope all goes well with Jet on Monday...and that the kittens stop being so snotty.

  10. Katnip Lounge is right, it has been a year of powerful snots!

  11. Hope everyone gets better and is ready to be adopted soon. Good luck!

    Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  12. Good luck efurrybody! We hopes the sneezing stops you can all find your furever homes.

    Sasha. Sami, & Saku

  13. We're sorry the two were so sick and had to go back. We imagine you miss them. Sounds like the other kittens are doing great.

    We came by to wish you a Happy Blogoversary!

  14. Sending purrs to the kitties and we heard it was your blogoversery. Congrats and keep doing your good work!

  15. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!!! We hope non-Calvin and Winston are better now. Healing purs for them and paws crossed everyone gets adopted.

  16. Those kittens know when they have found a good thing and the love and attention they crave! Good luck. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. Happy Blogoversary to you!
    I hope non-Calvin and Winston are feeling lots better now.


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