Friday, September 6, 2013

Random Fridays....

OK lovers of house panthers everywhere......the cat blogosphere is on a mission - Ray Charles and Rachel need a home...asap!!!!  They are getting bigger by the day - do you really want to miss out of the antics of a pair of teenage kittens?? We say no - you do not!!!! You can like them on facebook too.

you remember these guys right???
what about now??

Yep - that is Bourbon and Gray Goose (Moonshine). Well, mom saw exciting new last weekend on facebook. Their mom and dad....are ENGAGED!!!!  Congrats to Laura and Logan!

If you could, please send some purrs and prayers to our friend Miss DeLynn (remember she is the one that moved to Utah). She and her husband had been talking about fostering for Best Friends (where they both work). They currently have 2 dogs and 2 cats (one adopted from Best Friends this spring). They will be getting a kitten to foster. But....not your typical foster: this girl has an enlarged heart. The hope is that as she grows something will correct, but she is most likely a hospice foster. It is going to be hard on everyone, but the point is to give her as much love and fun as they can for however long she has. We don't know all the details and will keep you posted as we get them. But, like most special needs animals, she has no idea she is different and apparently bounces around like a typical kitten. And we know Jack the lab will be VERY excited - he has helped with foster kittens before and LOVES them.  :)  They are hoping to bring her home tonight.

Our friend Sagira asked if we were going to the Dublin Pet Fair on Sunday. While mom doesn't have to volunteer, she has the Petco event that morning, she may wander over in the afternoon. If she goes right after Petco, she may bring this:

We asked last week for purrs for Casey, the woofie that belongs to our friend Miss Beckie. We have heard through the rescue that Casey came through surgery well, they think they got everything and she won't need radiation. She has a big spot on her back that will take time to heal, but all in all, good news.


  1. Lots of purrs to Miss DeLynn and her husband, and the little sweetie they'll be fostering. We surely do hope that as she grows her heart does correct itself, but if that is not to be, we know she'll be blessed to have an abundance of love and kitty joy in her life, however long it is. That's all we can hope for, isn't it? :-)

  2. Good luck to Miss DeLynn and family. I understand that bodies can catch up to enlarged hearts, so I am optimistic about the little cat with the big heart. And it's good news for Casey. So many worries but so many good people, too.

  3. Oh BIG mega purrs to Miss DeLynn and her husband on the new kitten they will be fostering. Being surrounded by love and care is the most important thing and we know this kitten will have it in spades. Sounds like a very good Friday!

  4. WE sure do wish Miss DeLynn and the kitten. What a wonderful thing to do to give that kitten lots of love and who knows, maybe the kitten will be all right. Great story.
    Good to see that Bourbon again. Looks like he is doing well.
    Have a great week end.

  5. Thanks for the shout-out about Ray Charles & Rachel guys! :) :) Somebody is REALLY missing out on some primo teenage kitten playing time by waiting to adopt them! :) :) (But then again, MomKatt's getting all of it, and she's greedy. MOL)


  6. We are praying for all the special kitties and pups in need!
    Mom can't believe how big Bourbon and Gray Goose look!!!

  7. We are crossing every paw, hoof and finger in the house for rachel and Ray Charles. It's high time they found their Forever Home!

    Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs

  8. YAY for Bourbon and Gray Goose's pawrents! Thank you to Miss DeLynn and hubby for fostering the kitten. Sounds like the kitten will have lots of love and good care. Purrs she grows out of the condition.

  9. Lots of good news happening around your parts!

  10. St Franicis blessings two all that kneads it, ya noe we got connectshunz with him !!! hope everee one haza grate week oh end two....seer sum flounder on de grill N enjoy !!~~~

  11. Blessings for Miss DeLynn and her husband as they foster that sweet one. And purrs and prayers that she outgrows that condition.

    Concats to Gray Goose and Bourb's parents -- such awesome news!

  12. We'll be sending purrs for Miss DeLynn, as well as for Ray Charles and Sister Rachel so that they can find their home soon!

  13. Hope to see you there. We are not setting up a booth either. Just going for the nail trims and coupons from Pet People.

    What a little cutie! I want that food bowl that Colony Cats has that is pink for $3. LOL

  14. Mostly a good noos post. Purrrrrrss for that little foster kitteh. May she grow into her heart.

    If Amelia decides to show everyone how tuff she is, she will likely have a home or two signed up before she gets home Sunday night.

  15. You sure do have lots of news! Big purrs for Miss DeLynn and thankfulness for her having the love to take in a hospice foster. That's truly a kind, brave act.


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