Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday....

Today we are thankful for our great friends on the CB.

We was given this award from Esme at Critters in the Cottage.   Thanks lovely girl.

We think we are supposed to tell 7 things about us and then pass it on. We have to admit, we aren't sure who has it or not, so if not, feel free to pick this up from us.  :)  And, since there are 7 of us, we are all going to take one.

1. Maestro: I may be old, but I am still getting around and feeling pretty good.

2. Tommy: I don't care what anyone says, I AM the master of this domain.

3. Tim: Mom has said it before, but I really do like the foster kittens (even if mom thinks I like the kitten food more than the kittens).

4. Mozart: I LOVE our cat tree - my favorite spot is the top shelf where I can see what is going on.

5. Ivy: I know mom says that I am her crabby princess, but it isn't my fault!!!! (and yes, this position really is comfortable)

6. Spud: Mom is all impressed with me - I am coming up to her more and more and asking for attention.

7. Junior: Nope - still not talking to you weird lady. (not this is new - haha)


  1. Now that was fun meeting all of you. You kitties just don't get enough blogging time since those hundreds of kittens take up all the blogging time but they do need attention so they can find a really good home. Conga rats on the award. Well done.

  2. All 7 of you in one post! Yeahh! We love learning something about each of you. :)

  3. Congratulations on your award!!! So nice to see all of you in one post :-)

  4. Congrats on the award, it was well deserved. Nice to hear from each kitty.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS on your award! Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!!

  6. Good going on the award! We are glad Spud is becoming more outgoing.

  7. Ivy, I love to lay like that, too! Not on top of a piece of furniture, mind you... but apparently there are different rules for kit-cats and honorary kit-cats. Go figure!
    Play bows and congrats!

  8. Congrats on your reward it was nice seeing all 7 of you in one post!

  9. Congrats on your reward it was nice seeing all 7 of you in one post!

  10. Concatulations on your award - how cool that all of you got to take a turn!

  11. I loved reading more about you and I love each of you. xoxoxox

  12. Congratulations on your award - you all deserve it very much! It's great to hear from all of you too.


  13. Great job everyone! And it is true...all those fosters take up so much of your blog time we actually forgot there are seven of you! We love you all but LP says Spud has a special place in her heart.Spud you have a face to fall in love with :)

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  14. Great awardie, and loved the things about you all...

  15. Congratulations!!! I love seeing the perminant residents! What a group of sweeties you have!

  16. Congratulations on your award! Tim, mum thinks the realisation that kittens came with kitten biscuits was the point I decided they were a little bit ok.


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