Saturday, June 16, 2012

Spud won an award.....

Spud got an award all to himself from Leo at Celestial Kitties.  He is pretty impressed with himself now since he is normally the quiet guy in the back of the room.

So he has to tell an illuminating fact about himself and then pass it on.....

Spud: I am a little shy, but not as bad as I used to be. There is a lot that goes on around here, but other than that big orange lug, it is pretty good. Mom calls me "stalker boy". Something about getting in Tim and Tom's personal space to get some love and attention. Don't know what is wrong with that - they seem to like me. MOL

Plus we need to pass it on - Spud says:

Allie from A Tonks Tail (cause she is HOT)

Ebano from Repositorio da (cause mom loves us some house panther)

Tom from Whisker Messages (cause he is so very smart - and fuzzy)


  1. Spud, Sassy here. Believe me, I know what it is like to be shy and have brofurs/sisfurs who LOVE the limelight! Congrats on the award.

  2. Hey Spud! Congratulations on your award! We know all about siblings just hogging the limelight **cough..Tutu..cough**

  3. We were so excited to see you at our birthday pawty - it was lovely to meet you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Hi there Spud, Conga rats on winning that award. Good to know a little more about you.Nothing wrong with getting in the other kitties space. You are supposed to do that.

  5. Congratulations! We love your fact. 'Stalker boy' MOL And you're a cutie to boot!

  6. Congratulations Spud - enjoy your limelight

  7. Ah, that was good Spud! Congrats on the very nice award!!!

  8. Well done Spud (love your name!!) It’s good not to be too shy or you’ll miss all the fun lol

  9. Hi Spud. We also know all about siblings hogging the limelight! This new little monster kitten is doing just that! We sympathise with you.

    Lotsa love.


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