Wednesday, August 4, 2021

downs and ups

 As it sometimes happens, we lost a kitten Monday night. Tapenade came to us with her sister Chutney off the streets without a mom cat. She never really grew but was active and eating well. Mom went in Monday evening and she had collapsed. They ran to a vet urgent care but it was better to let her go.

In other news, mom submitted articles to the Cat Writers Association contest this year and got 3 certificates of excellence for the following stories:

So you want to adopt a cat

About her ear

And she was nominated by All Pet Voices for her article A Feral Kitten Finds Her Forever Home which was written for a campaign with

Goldfish would say thank you for all the attention, but let's be honest, attention is not her thing. haha


  1. Rest in Peace, Angel Tapenade.
    Concats on your certificates, and thank you for all that you do for cats.

  2. Tapenade ; we are sorry ~~~~ please know you were loved ♥♥♥

    and guyz....buzzed happee for yur mom; conga rats on her wins !!! :) ☺☺☺

  3. Fly free Tapenade - on to your next adventure, and remembered with love from here.

  4. I am sorry about Tapenade.
    Congrats on your well deserved wins.

  5. Congratulations on the CWA certificates. That is very sad about Tapenade.

  6. So sorry to hear about Tapenade.
    A very big congrats on the COEs!!

  7. We are so sorry about Tapenade's passing. Mom bean says she was in the best place she could be for this brief period of her life.

    Concats on the awards, well deserved! Chanel, you are so adorable!


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