Monday, January 11, 2021

From Texas to Ohio to home

You should remember the Texas Flower kittens that were here last fall. 


We heard from the rescue in Texas, The Never Nix'd Rescue Initiative. These kittens had been born into a feral colony in a rough section of their city. The colony caretaker pulled them and they were in bad shape. The rescue did a great job saving their lives and curing their mange. 

We gave them a good medicated bath once they got to our house and just gave them time and nutrition. 

If you remember, Lantana was slightly more standoffish than her siblings. The family that adopted her says she has adjusted so well and loves everyone including her kitty siblings. As you can see, her fur and body condition looks fabulous. 

We love being able to help other rescues. And we love getting updates and seeing how much progress our kittens have made in their new homes.