Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Fate wants to know what is in the box

Mom had taken a vacation day this past Monday. About 10am she got a text from another rescue volunteer asking if just maybe she had some time. Seems someone left a fuzzy nugget in a box outside one of our partner stores and they needed someone to come get her.

Mom drove over. The original text said the kitten was covered in fleas and smelled like smoke. Turns out the fleas weren't bad, but she did smell like smoke and was pretty filthy.

Wait - you are going to do WHAT to me in here??

Sorry kid - but you are MUCH cleaner now

She is set up in the crate in the living room. The bug kittens are ready to go back to the rescue and are WAY bigger than her anyhow. She is friendly but has no idea how to play so we may look into finding her some friends. Either way, she is clean, eating, vaccinated and tested. And safe....

What mom thought was a little hilarious is how much she looks like another kitten we had a couple of years ago:
Yep - the kitten above is Dior - now Cupcake. Even down to the spot on her back. Mom and Miss Julie were messaging back and forth and Miss Julie said "the last thing the world needs is another bathroom gargoyle." Mom laughed until she wheezed.....and guess what the new baby's name will be. MOL


  1. The fuzzy nugget is absolutely adorable, and yes, a ringer for Dior/Cupcake! We're she found her way to you. :-)

  2. No, not Gargoyle! Don't put that ponderous name on this wee bebe...please. Life has been rough enough, poor sweetie.

  3. So cute! We are glad that little cutie is safe there with you. She totally looks like Dior/Cupcake!

  4. we iz glad ewe bee rezz cued cupcake dior G ~~~~~~~~~~~~ all de best two ewe ☺☺♥♥

  5. Awww, what a sweetie! Thank goodness someone left her where she could be rescued.


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