Monday, June 10, 2019

one of these things

First, Roomba was spayed on Thursday. The head of the rescue dropped her off at the clinic with other kittens and mom did the pick up. In the Escape was Roomba, 4 other carriers and a live trap with a feral boy that had been neutered. Makes mom glad she got the bigger car.

Roomba was going to go up to the adoption center on Saturday but we have a TON of kittens and the cages are full. Mom put her up on the website and will take her to the kitten shower next weekend (or to the center sooner if space opens up) and she will hopefully find her forever home quickly. The rescue has lots of available kittens - as does every other rescue out there.

As with every rescue out there, we are up to our eyeballs in cats and kittens. Our director finally had to say we can't do intake for a few days unless it is an emergency due to lack of space and foster homes.

Some rescues and fosters won't mix litters. We absolutely respect and understand that. Our rescue will and mom is OK with it once kittens are tested and have a vaccine on board.

That said, a single kitten came in mid week and mom agreed to take him home on Saturday morning. He was a little scared when he came in so it will benefit him to be with other kittens that are super friendly. Someone found him in the exhaust pipe of a car and brought him to the rescue. He is about the size of Fate and skittish. He has hissed at mom a couple of times but she catches him and loves on him and the last time he relaxed and purred for her so we have no doubts he will be fine.
Meet Mopar

friends already - Mopar and Fate

Ciper and Roomba do tend to treat the little kittens like cat toys. Fortunately they also like the beat the daylights out of each other. Fate seems to take them both in stride but Mopar isn't really sure what to do with the two bigger kittens right now.

Oh and as for the title of today: we had originally anticipated getting more black kittens (sensing a theme here) but another foster home opened up on Friday and they went to that home. So we now have - one of these things is not like the others. MOL


  1. Mopar sure is cute. Glad someone found it hiding in the exhaust pipe. Hope he finds a home really soon.Have a great day.

  2. I can only imagine that it's raining kittens right now, and it's raining water too...

  3. We hate that moment when you have to say "no". But, sometimes, what's one more? I'm familiar with that black kitten theme...

  4. wee dood, ya look like mee who lookz like boomer N that mite bee one oh thoz 7 degreez thingz.. like yur.... one oh theez thingz !!

    ☺☺☺ mackerull boomer junior butter feeld ♥♥♥

  5. We just LOVE kitten showers! Hope that one goes very well for you! Hi Mopar!

  6. Mopar is a cutie, our mom bean loves that little pink nose! Have fun little ones! Good luck to Roomba, we hope he finds his furever home soon.

  7. I'm sure all these babies will find homes quickly. It only that were so for older kitties...

  8. it is a risk, but the immediate risk of one kitten not being saved vs the small risk that it might go wrong, totally worth taking.. Purrs to Mopar and the others and that your kitten season gets better.

  9. Mopar makes a good friend for Miss Fate.

  10. I was at PetSmart the other day and they had rows of cages set up in the center isle, all with kittens in them, plus their usual cat enclosure that was also full of kittens. There was at least thirty kittens. I was most attracted to a six month old tortie who put her paw against my hand on the glass. She was asking me to take her home but I am already over my limit with cats. I felt bad leaving her.

  11. Oh yes, there has been a population explosion of cats everywhere, it seems. Every rescue here is filled, and people keep wanting to give up the cats who already have homes. It is a frustrating time.

  12. So much cuteness at the same time can turn into a problem. It's difficult for a shelter to say "no", but sometimes there is no choice. We hope all these kittens, and all the adult cats too, find a forever home soon. Purrs

  13. Awwwww! Mopar will come around. I bet he loves having kitten friends. Peer groups and learning are always good.


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