Tuesday, July 3, 2018

new toy

We don't normally get in on the ground floor of new toys or inventions, but our friend Miss Debbie from Glogirly was talking about this toy called Sheer Fun for Cats and it being a kickstarter thing, so mom checked it out and we got in on it. The campaign went through and we got our new toy last week.

some cat wasn't quite sure what to do with it at first

It comes with velcro tabs to hold it in place on a table or chair or whatever. We don't have that many places in our condo, but mom found this one and it is working pretty well. Daiquiri hides behind it and Chanel sits on top and tries to kill it.

We also got some felt toys. So far the girls aren't all that interested in those, but mom threw one into the foster room and one of the boys grabbed it and growled at anyone who came near him.  MOL

*full disclosure - we paid for this new toy as part of a Kickstarter campaign. We have not been compensated for this post. We just like the toy and the concept and wanted to share it.


  1. That looks like a fun toy for everyone. We just might have to try that. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! Kinda like when I hide behind a sheer curtain and then pounce! - Tom x

  3. I've put this on my list, because I know that Angel will enjoy it! Just have to spread out my purchasing, since I've blown all of my 'play' funds with that trip to the UK!

  4. chanel...wavez bak two ewe frum de land oh trout !! ~~ ☺☺♥♥

  5. Wow I have never seen this type of cat toy before, the video is absolutely adorable. Looks like a lot of fun, maybe I will get my kitty this toy. Hope you have a fun rest of your week!
    World of Animals

  6. That looks like fun!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. Oh, yeah. Bear would tear the sucker down, Velcro or not. I've lost many backdrops to his claws ;)

  8. We won this same toy from the Cat Lounge at BlogPaws. The mom hasn’t set it up for us. We’re gonna make her do that now since we’ve seen yours.


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