Friday, June 1, 2018

Random Fridays

So mom is guessing the kittens are about 6 weeks old. She does need to weigh them over the weekend just to get a the meantime they are playing and having a good time in the foster room. Cardamom can't seem to decide if she likes them most times or not. She is being a good mom, but she seems to lose patience with them fairly quickly.

Mom says she is going to try to make a better effort this weekend to get Chanel out on an adventure. Stay safe and cool (and dry for those of you getting all that rain).


  1. Goodness, they are so cute. Bet they will find home quickly. You all have a wonderful day.

  2. Mom is probably ready for those kittens to leave home!

  3. Look at all those astonished blue eyes.

  4. Cardamom...peepulz momz looz patientz with ther kids a LOT two sew dont feel bad !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  5. Some kitties make good moms... I think others are sort of reluctant moms. I bet Cardamom would be glad to know her kitting days are over, if she knew about spaying.

  6. Oh, my goodness! Who could say no to those faces ... except a Momma!

  7. We sure know how much little ones can be annoying Cardamom. Ours just happens to be a sticky bean. Your babies are sure cute...even if they are pests!

  8. They're so darn cute!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  9. They are all so cute!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  10. Holy smokes, they're all so darned adorable!


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