Friday, February 23, 2018

Random Fridays

Remember when we posted about the Art of Paws heated bed we got??

Well, now you can get one at a discount for yourself. They are offering 15% your TOTAL order (not just the mat) using code: randomfelines  This is good for the first 20 customers for their US site and their UK site (40 people total). Mom is considering getting another one for the foster room. We don't think Ivy is giving up this one any time soon.

Nothing too much exciting going on here this weekend that we know of. Mom said something about cleaning out her car and doing stuff around here. 


  1. That does look like a great bed.We have many beds around here so we are just fine. Have a great day.

  2. Ivy certainly looks like she's on that bed for the duration!

  3. Sometimes an uneventful weekend is the best!

  4. ivy...we due knot blame ya ~~~~~~~ happee week oh end two all ~~~~~~~~☺☺♥

  5. Someone looks mighty cozy!
    Have a great weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  6. That mat is awesome! Gracie's snoozing on hers right now. :)


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