Monday, October 16, 2017

weekend report

We posted yesterday that mom woke up Sunday morning and Cranberry wasn't doing well. Mom got a text last night that she passed away being cared for by the director of the rescue. RIP sweet baby.

Mo and Chanel getting their snooze on

Daiquiri is a little obsessed with those spring toys. 
Mom bought more and threw one out for her.
Chanel tried to play with it and got growled at for it.

Blueberry checking out the balcony. He and the Texas kittens are doing well but mom is keeping a close eye on them.


  1. So sorry the wee one dashed to the bridge way too soon.

  2. Poor little sweetheart. We, too, are very sorry she passed. Godspeed, little one. ♥

  3. So sorry to hear about Cranberry. It's always hard, but especially with the little ones.

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. RIP, little Cranberry.

  5. Rest in peace precious little cranberry. You're cared for and loved. XXX

  6. Oh we are so sorry. Just know that Cranberry knew lots of love while she was there with you. it is so sad when they die so young.

  7. Fly fast and free, littlest angel Cranberry. Thank you for loving her.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Cranberry. I hope the rest of the crew are all right.

  9. We're sorry to hear about the little Cranberry. Purrs and hugs

  10. Godspeed your journey to heaven cranberry ~~~~~~~~ we are sorry; truly. You are and always will be, a gorgeous wee kitten....we are honored to have known you ~~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hugs and loves ~~~~

  11. We are very sorry to hear of the little one's passing. But, we know she was loved, and for that we are thankful.

  12. Oh, we're so sorry to hear that Cranberry passed away. Purrs to all.

  13. Blast. That's a terrible shame about Cranberry. Far too young - but then very old would be too young, too. Godspeed, Cranberry.

  14. Angel Cranberry, we will miss you! Daiquiri, play nicely with the little one!

  15. Sorry to read of Cranberry's passing. Fly free and keep an eye on the rest of us !

  16. Cranberry too?!? Oh Jeannie.. you have had a pretty crappy month. I'm so sorry


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