Friday, October 20, 2017

Random Fridays

Mom has plans tonight with a friend but nothing much else for the weekend (which she says will make up for LAST weekend when she was running around the entire time). There is a short adoption event on Sunday and mom will probably take Blueberry. The Texas kittens are too little and mom hates dealing with people that want them NOW and aren't willing to accept they aren't ready yet.

Mom is slowing getting together stuff to help Chanel stay active and be an adventure cat. She bought her a new carrier that will be just hers. She also got her a new harness to wear. (mom bought the harness but here is the link to the Kitty Holster that she bought - no affiliate links or anything, but we thought we would share since it is working for us)

The nice part about this harness is that it comes in a size small enough for a kitten. Mom bought an extra small and will have to upgrade to the small/medium by the time Chanel is a year. It is very light weight - all cotton and machine washable. There is a piece that runs down the back that holds the ring for her leash. Mom wasn't sure what she was going to do, but Chanel rolled around the first minute or so then got up and walked around.
Checking out the fish at PetSmart

Mom is working on a go-bag for Chanel. Right now mom's adoption event bag stays in the car, so she has access to supplies. But she wants something with stuff for Chanel that is in a backpack type bag that she can just grab on the way out the door (or leave in the car). So far Chanel seems to enjoy being out and about and is very relaxed about the whole thing. As long as she keeps that attitude, mom will continue to find places to take her. It will be harder this winter as it gets colder but mom is committed.

Chanel had her first official vet visit on Tuesday. She played on the cat tree in the exam room, charmed our vet tech friend Miss Andrea and Dr F, had a snack and didn't seem to care about the catnip mouse. Mom did find a noise on her phone and they "unofficially" tested her hearing since Chanel seems to not always notice things. She does seem to hear fine, but she does certainly track things funny. Otherwise she is a healthy girl and weighed in at 5 pounds 15 ounces.

Have a safe and warm weekend. Fall finally arrived here and while mom refuses to turn the heat on quite yet, Mo is hoping it is space heater season soon.


  1. That must be so much fun for Chanel to go visiting and have such a good adventure. Bet Mom enjoys it too. The harness looks great.

  2. Chanel is going to open up a whole new set of adventures for all! We haven't put on the heat yet either, but it will happen soon enough. We are about 15 degrees above average, and we aren't complaining one bit!

  3. Wow, Chanel is already only a pound less than what I weigh! She is going to be a big kitty, probably like Binga's size. That was interesting about her hearing... I am the same way about sound - I tend not to notice a lot, although I can hear fine. Maybe that is part of having the adventure/therapy cat temperament.

  4. I have a cat that I've contemplated trying a harness and leash on. She is a social butterfly. I think all cats have selective hearing!

  5. My Momma's stubborn and usually manages to not turn on the heat until late December ... but this year, The Boy's here and he's not nearly as stubborn, so we've run it a few times already. We love seeing that Chanel is healthy and enjoying having her very own forever home.

  6. What a pretty harness ! Chanel list going to have a lot of fun exploring further. Purrs

  7. Chanel, it sounds like you're going to have all kinds of fun!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  8. Chanel, you are a darling. I love that you are out and about.

  9. I continue my eternal debate (with myself) over whether to put a harness on my cats and take them outside...

  10. We're excited over watching Chanel's early adventures.

  11. We love that harness on you, Chanel. How exciting that you're going to be an adventure cat!


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