Monday, September 25, 2017

Happy Birthday Mozart

HAPPY Birthday Mozart
hard to believe he is 11 years old

For those that don't know his back story, he came to us as a foster with his orange tabby brother that mom named Picasso. Mo got a serious eye infection and hung around the house WAY longer than most foster kittens. She finally got him healthy and back to the shelter....then panicked when she realized she might never see him again. She went back the next day and filled out his adoption application.

He really is a sweet boy - greets people at the door and has to check everything out. He doesn't mind the other cats in the house....though he HATES foster kittens. They try to snuggle and he is all "GET OFF MY LAWN". Grumpy old man.

He had his annual check up a couple of weeks ago and was declared fit as could be. In fact (gasp), the vet suggested he could put ON a pound. More treats for him we guess.


  1. Happy Birthday Mozart. That is so exciting that you now get some extra treats. What better for a birthday boy. You all have a terrific day.

  2. Happy birthday, Mozart! We're glad you're in good health and even can have more treats! (Not something our vet says to us. LOL.)

    -Nicki and Derry

  3. Happy Day, Mo! Your gotcha story is hilarious: "...then panicked when she realized she might never see him again." We LURV housepanthers like you, and it's great that you are doing well. Hugs and snuggles (I am NOT a foster kitten!)

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday, dear Mozart! Hope you got lots of love and treats on your special day!

  5. Happy birthday, Mozart! More treats is an awesome way to enjoy a birthday!

  6. dood !!!! a most happee 11th two ewe N heerz ta 11 mor...N joy sum perch pizza, ham, flounder N donutz, hope yur dayz total lee awesum; N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N healtheez....N bee in grumpee ☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  7. Happy 11th Birthday Mozart!

    Love and purrs from Eva and the cats

  8. Happy birthday Mozart! Being allowed extra treats is a great present.

  9. Happy birthday, Mozart! Being able to have more treats is the best birthday news of all!

  10. Happy Happy Lucky 11 Mozart! Hoping you have a most pawesome day!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. Happy birthday, Mozart! We hope you got lots of extra treats! :)

  12. Happy Birthday, Mozart! We hope you got those treats.

  13. Happy belated Birthday Mozart!!!

  14. Happy belated birthday, Big Mo!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. a very belated Happy Birthday (I will be so happy when I finally move)


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