Wednesday, April 5, 2017



Momma cat

The momma cat was seen running around about a week ago....and then they found her again over the weekend. She had kittens in a window well - so NOT a good place. It is early kitten season here so the rescue had an open spot and we were in the running. (actually, mom did some running around for the rescue on Sunday and told the head lady she would take payment in kittens - MOL). Mom got a text Monday afternoon at work and they spent a couple of hours at the office in a crate before mom could get them home.

Mom was sitting at work and the name Millicent came to mind for the momma cat. Normally we don't use people names for kittens, but we have for momma cats before. Millicent is a beautiful tortie girl...we suspect not very old. Five kittens: 2 orange and 3 tuxedos. 3 boys, 2 girls (two of the tuxedos - both orange tabbys are boys) Which is a combination we don't think we have ever had before.

We were told they were born over the weekend, but their umbilical cords have fallen off and there was one open eyeball Monday night, so they are closer to about a week old and we are going to give them birthdays of 3/28/17.

Momma cat was pretty sweet Monday night, but it had been a long day for her and when mom went back in a second time to feed her again, Millicent hissed a couple of time, was a little growly and put her teeth on mom's hand. Mom didn't move and gently told Millie to let go and she would get some space. Millie let go without leaving a mark and mom left the foster room. She checked on them throughout the night and all was well.

The web camera is up and running though mom did realize that they are in a dark part of the room. She had bought a clip on lamp but then discovered the shade was metal and didn't want to leave that on all the time at the house in case something happened. So she is going to have to do a little shopping to find a better alternative.


  1. Payment in kittens - that's new! These are all lovely guys, and we know they are in good hands.

  2. Oh, LOTS of squeeing here! Purrs to them all that they thrive and find wonderful forever homes in due course. Millicent too! ♥

  3. Oh Goody, more kittens. Millicent is gorgeous. And the kittens of course are as cute as they can be. Can't wait for more pictures.

  4. Millicent! You may not realize it, but you've just hit PAYDIRT! You and your babes are now in the very best care, and you have the whole interwebs oohing and ahhing over you and your brood. Concatulations, little mama!

  5. Yay, a mom and babies! So you will have these ones for a while.

  6. Payment in kittens is the BEST! I like the name Millicent for her - I favor sweet, simple names when it comes to mamas. <3

  7. we haza soooooper big case oh de aaaaawwwwwwwwwwz heer....millicent ewe N yur wee onez iz in de best oh handz ☺☺ we look for werd ta watchin everee one grow up ta bee mid size meedium kittenz N send best fishez now for ewe all for a for everz for sum wee onez namez !! ♥♥

  8. Now that's a great birthday present!!

  9. Welcome to the world little ones. We are sending our purrs that Millie and the babies will thrive and find their furever homes in due time.

  10. Being paid in kittens sounds really cool ! Millicent is a beautiful mom. Purrs


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