Thursday, November 17, 2016

quick surgery update

Mom weighted Chambord yesterday morning before leaving and she was JUST 2 pounds. Mom was afraid the v-e-t scale would be different, so left her home. Which meant Kirsch, Calvados, Liberty and Freedom went to the clinic for surgery.

Well.....the vet said Freedom was sneezing and wouldn't spay her. Which sucks since a cage had opened up at one of our partner stores and the girls could have gone there.....rats!

Anyhow, everyone came through with flying colors. Calvados and Kirsch were reunited with their sister when they got home and the growling commenced after a quick dinner. MOL


  1. Too badvfor the sneezes. We're glag the other surgeries went well.

  2. Too badvfor the sneezes. We're glag the other surgeries went well.

  3. Well at least a couple of them got done. Hope they all feel better soon.

  4. It always seems to be such a logistics challenge to wrangle all these kittens!

    The Chans

  5. Chambord better put on some more weight, the tiny girl.

  6. Well, I'm glad at least SOME of them got their surgeries.

  7. Things just get a bit wonky sometimes with kittens!

  8. I swear, mom and I are smiling big time. We love how you kitties write about things.

  9. guys....we iz glad everee one did sew well & freedom we hopes de sneezez goez a way N stays a way ~~~~~~~

    we bee out til munday ~~~ heerz two a halfmoon fish kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  10. seems there was a reason for you keeping Chambord home that you didn't even know about.


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