Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Barley and Hops

The same foster that had the tree kittens had taken these two. Her family went on vacation and since they really only need 2-3 weeks to get big enough for surgery, we took them and will have them until they are big enough to be adopted. Mom picked them up Friday after work. They spent a couple of days in the tower until mom decided to switch them with the patriot kittens.
foster kittens, carrier, new kittens
Juniper seemed interested in the carrier 
and the kittens were checking her out too

foster kittens, Barley, Hops, black kitten, gray and white kitten
Mom wrote on Instagram that we had one boy and one girl.
She was wrong.
Both boys - the black is Barley, the gray/white Hops.
Meet the beer kittens.
(really not sure what was up with those expressions)

Junpier, Barley, foster kittens, black kitten, tortie kitten
Juniper was pretty fascinated by the kittens playing (or wanted their toy).
However, she would also get closer and then hiss at them.

foster kitten, gray and white kitten

foster kitten, black kitten

Both of them are super sweet. Probably 7 weeks old. They are quickly learning to come up to mom for attention and love. They did get a bath Friday night for fleas, and between that and advantage, they are now ready for play time. They spend part of the time curled up with each other (once they discovered the bed) or bouncing around with the toys.


  1. I love Hops sweet little face - he just looks so cute all the time.

  2. Beer kittens! Love their sweet little faces!

  3. Very cute kitties. Barley looks like what my Brody must have looked like as a kitten.

  4. The new kittens are really adorable!

  5. Aww! Barley and Hops are adorable!!!

  6. What adorable little babies - I'm glad they are already so human-friendly!

  7. I think that expression is because you can't tell boy kittens from girl kittens.. you'd think by now the mom would know that..

    Okay, I'm a little in love with Hops..


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