Monday, May 16, 2016

weekend report

Mom spent the weekend at a big 2 day multi-rescue adoption event in our town. Rescues mainly from our county but surrounding areas brought in animals - cats, dogs, rats, bunnies - looking for new homes. We don't know the final numbers for the event yet as some rescues don't send home the same day. However, our rescue sent home 4 dogs (3 of whom we pulled from the kill list in the last few weeks from our county shelter) and 1 cats. Plus we have a couple of good applications for a couple of other dogs.
Skittles, Reese and Leo


The head rescue lady has a couple of bottle babies and they came Saturday and Sunday too. Mom was responsible for them on Sunday and fed them twice....she had to make sure people weren't touching them since they are only about 3 weeks old and not vaccinated - most everyone was OK with that though a couple of people didn't want to listen (ugh).

Otherwise it was pretty quite....though it got CHILLY!!!  Mom even broke down and turned the heat on last night to keep the house warm. brr.....
The kittens are all doing well and running around like a bunch of nuts!


  1. This seems to be a cooler spring than average everywhere.

    The kittens are at the stage where they are discovering everything - and able to get almost everywhere to discover it!

  2. We had chillier weather over the weekend too. I'm glad some of the animals found homes through the adoption event.

  3. Those kittens are so cute and look so happy playing together.

  4. My human goes crazy when people are not supposed to touch kitties for any reason - and they don't listen! It's rude, and in the case of young kittens, puts their health at risk. I'm glad the adoption event went well!

  5. Yay for adoption events and adoptions! and yay for spending time with bottle babies.. and boo to people who can't back off.

  6. Humans just can't keep their paws off little kittens. Hope the little three week old babies are doing well!

  7. I like that rescues make adopters wait 24 hours or more; I know some people will walk away, but maybe a person who waits really, really wants that dog or cat!

  8. Glad some dogs found homes. People just have to touch kittens which is too bad.
    Glad your kittens are doing all right.

  9. It was chilly here, too - we LOVED IT!!!!

  10. guys....good nooze on de adoptshunz event...N we wented ICE FISHIN thiz week oh end..

  11. That's wonderful that your rescue had some adoptions!

  12. Yeah, and when they try to feed kittens UPSIDE DOWN too, at events!!! Grrrr.
    Cold here too! Whazzup wif dat?

  13. We is happy to hear the woofies found their furever homes, but we wish more people would adopt the kitties too. Those kittens are sure rambunctious!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  14. It sounds like the event was a big success. That's great! Yesterday, it was so cold here...we actually had some snow!


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