Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wordless Wednesday (sorta)

*since mom's laptop still isn't working right and she can't connect her camera to the Kindle or to the computer at work (wow - she has issues), we are flashing back to a year ago when we got snow (we got nothing here at the moment but the COLDS) and Daiquiri saw snow for the first time


  1. Cute little kitty paw prints in the snow

  2. We hope your toesies don't get too cold in the snow.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. At first we were gonna say...where did all that snow come from? Since we don't have any here. But then we realized these are flashback fotos. Looks cold!

  5. The cats are fascinated by snow . Mine don't like how it feels on their paws. Sorry you are having troubles with your computer. Hope it works soon.

  6. oh my gosh, look at that mighty big step she's taking there! That first snow must have really impressed her, at least, she left her impression on it!

  7. Yep, last year we had buckets of snow by this time...this year, not so much, and I am rather thrilled about that! I hope Daiquiri enjoyed her snowy stroll.

  8. it was Wednesday at some point..

    You so need to get that computer fixed woman!

  9. Here's hoping your Mommy's technical difficulties get fixed soon!

  10. My human is looking forward to introducing me to snow someday! If it keeps up in Portland, maybe it will be as soon as the end of the month!

  11. Oh, YEAH! Isn't it great, Daq?!?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  12. What a fun memory of Daiquiri! We have cold and no snow here, too. Ugh.

    Paws crossed that you get those technical problems solved real soon!


  13. You are a brave kitty, Daiquiri! My kitties just see the white stuff and they won't think of going out the door. I hope you enjoyed it! I hope your Mom's technology glitches are solved soon too.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  14. Love the paw prints on the snow! Where I live it nevers snow, so my cat never had that experience.

    Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential


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