Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dona Nobis Pacem

Grant Us Peace

#blog4peace #blogblast4peace
 #blog4peace  #blogblast4peace

Every November 4th, bloggers from all over the world get together to promote peace and love and understanding.

Sometimes it can be frustrating being on social media and listening to or reading the news. You hear about hateful acts done to others. Torture, kidnapping, murder, hate crimes, bullying. And then you read some comments on social media and we are amazed by the number of people who post things that are so very hurtful - be they pictures or words.

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."  
Dr. Suess

Sitting behind a keyboard and typing something doesn't make that things that are said less hateful. We were (or should have been) taught as children that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And yet the anonymity of the internet has somehow made certain individuals feel as if they can attack others without consequences.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Ghandi

So, take this as day one to leading a happier peaceful life. Things will always happen around you that you cannot control. However, you can control your reaction to them. Delete the comment, hide the post, unfriend hateful people. And then turn it around....spread some love, tell someone WHY you love them, let a friend know you are thinking about them.

Or post a cute kitten picture:


  1. What a wonderful post, dear friends. Peace to you, today and every day! :)

  2. The Internet definitely makes it easier for people to be hateful, and that's sad. I try not to type anything I wouldn't be comfortable saying to someone's face. I think that is a good "rule" to follow. I also always try to be curteous and consider others' feelings. You really can't get anywhere if you're being hateful or mean to people.

    Thank you for the awesome post!

  3. That's a good point about the internet and anonymity. The internet in many ways gives cowards more power. We have to remember that the more they try to hurt, the more impotent they are in real life, and must take to cowardly acts to make themselves feel big. Fur Everywhere has a good point, too, about not typing anything you wouldn't say in person.

  4. Peace to you and yours! Such a cute kitty!

  5. Very well said, we join you in blogging for peace today.

  6. A cute kit-cat is a PERFECT way to spread the peace!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. It is a proven fact that watching kitten videos can make you a happier person. Too bad we cannot force all the evil people in the world to watch them everyday. #BlogBlast4Peace. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Powerful post. Sometimes we realize too late that we never told someone that we loved them.

  9. Cute kitten pics are very peaceful :)
    Purring for peace and wishing you peace.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  10. We're purring for peace too. Great post.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Excellent post. I agree, a photo of a kitten does make me feel peaceful.

  12. *sniff* well you you just made Mom L reach for the tissue box with your post.simply pawsome

  13. A photo of a very cute kitten! :)

  14. We like posting cute kitten pics. Happy Peace Day!

  15. We, too, are peace bloggers and are proud to stand fur-to-fur in asking the Universe to Grant Us Peace. Lovely post.

  16. We, too, are peace bloggers and are proud to stand fur-to-fur in asking the Universe to Grant Us Peace. Lovely post.

  17. Well, WE are thinking about YOU tonight and wishing you MUCH peace, especially after your awful, rough week.

  18. I always feel more peaceful when I look at cute kittens

  19. Peace Globe #10,321 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery
    Thank you for joining us. We hope to see you next year.


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