Monday, September 21, 2015

weekend report

Well, for those that didn't see the facebook update, they didn't find anything during Tostada's surgery. We know there is SOMETHING going on, but the vet couldn't see anything. We aren't quite sure what the next step is for her. Right now the vet and mom have Tostada on a low dose of prednisone hoping that will give her a little relief. Tostada was playing a little Saturday night, but is still very lethargic and the cough just sounds bad. Mom is going to update the vet today and have her call the rescue and see what they decide from there. We will keep everyone updated....

Our weekend was relatively quiet. Mom took Nashville and another kitten to an adoption event on Saturday. Most times they are at pet supply stores so getting adoptions is a slow proposition at best. But the rescue gets out there and talks to people and that is always a good thing.

Otherwise it was quiet around here - except for mom yelling at the TV watching the football game. :)


  1. Gosh, we sure are sorry that they didn't find anything on Tostada. Maybe the pred will help. I hope so. Poor kitty.

  2. Hmmm, I have to say that I'm sorry, too, they didn't find anything, because you're at square one. There's no possible way it's asthma, right? It didn't sound like that from your description a few posts ago, but I thought I'd toss it out anyway. Fingers crossed the Pred at least helps, while everyone sorts out this medical mystery. Purrs to Tostada from Nicki and Derry.

  3. We are sorry that the vets didn't find anything wrong with Tostada and hope that the prednisone will help her.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. That must be frustrating that nothing was found during Tostada's surgery. We don't want something unpleasant discovered, but if something were found, it could be treated. I hope she improves nevertheless.

  5. I'm sending lots of purrs to Tostada - I hate it when vets can't find the problem.

  6. Poor Tostada.... Horrid thought...are there a lot of mosquitoes in your area? Any chance she might have been bitten by one? (thinking...heartworm... :-(

  7. Paws crossed for Tostada to feel better soon. We know you must all be worried about her.

  8. Sendin' Purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  9. tostada....sorree nothin for sir tin came oh this, but we still send de blessings oh st francis yur way & hope yur feelin like 100 purr cent better....veree veree soon ♥♥♥

  10. Darn. We're sorry they didn't find anything with Tostada. Hopefully that pred will help.

  11. Poor Tostada. We hope the vet can figure out what is going on.

  12. We sure hope Tostada starts feeling better!!!
    There was a lot of yelling at the TV here, too!


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