Friday, June 5, 2015

Random Fridays

Because you can never have too many kitten pictures, here are some more of the kittens enjoying the hotel room at Blog Paws.
places to go....

Dis bed is nice and soft (Salsa)

nice box Miss Julie

resting up for his adoring fans (Queso)

Mom and Miss Julie came in to the room the first afternoon
and couldn't find any kittens....
They were behind all the curtains WAY in the corner

dis my chair - got it??

office assistant, ready for action

Mom has to say, they were wonderful at the event. And in the hotel room. They had several visitors and after hiding the first couple of times quickly realized that everyone was there to love on them. Yes, they require packing some extra stuff, but mom bought a disposable litter pan to take with, so that didn't come back. Food was eaten down there, so that lightened the return trip some too. And as mom said, if you are taking one, the stuff required for more than one isn't that much greater. Not every animal is ok to travel, but these guys were great.


  1. They are just too cute and we know everyone had a great time with them. What good socializing for them.

  2. The kittens are just so cute no wonder that everyone loved them.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. That was such a great experience for the kittens - and the humans who got to see them too!

  4. hay ewe wee onez....ewe noe; now ewe can putz down... werld travlerz.... on yur port fol lee ohz N yur new peepulz will be like...ya wented ta SPAIN !!!!! ???? how kewl iz THAT !!!

    theeze picturez bee price less ♥♥♥

    heerz two a righteye flounder kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥

  5. That is SO COOL that you kit-cats got to go to Blog Paws! And you had a BOX in your room!?!?!? That's like a little slice of Heaven right there!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  6. The mom sure is glad you brought those kits along!

  7. yup, we heard our mom cheated on us in Nashville!!!!

  8. They are so cute ! What a great experience ! Purrs

  9. They get cuter efurry time we sees their cute faces. How did their fursibs feel about them when they got home?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. What sweet photos, what a great adventure for the kitties and we are sure everyone loved meeting them all!

  11. They are SO cute, Jeanne. We are glad they had a good time, and that everyone that met them did, too!


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