Thursday, March 5, 2015

thankful Thursday

Geez we love this tree.....  Mom has had to tighten the blocks at the top a couple of times, but we blame user error rather than design. MOL

When mom was in TN, she got a text from her friend, Miss Rita who is also our pet sitter. She wanted to know who the "mini Tim and Tom" was. Mom had to laugh....Daiquiri certainly does look like the boys - though in actuality, she is more gray than they are.

If you have been following us on Facebook, you would have seen posts about a rescue over the weekend. Mom got an email from a previous adopter about a cat that kept showing up on her back deck. It got more urgent on Sunday when our area got at least 4 inches of snow. Mom went back and forth with Miss Roberta and also the head of the rescue. Finally about 7pm on Sunday night the cat came back to the deck and mom ran over (Miss Roberta lives about 5 minutes from us) and got the cat.

Tuesday mom got her to the local clinic. We got confirmation that she is a girl (mom wasn't sure). She had been previously spayed, but had no microchip. She was tested (negative) and is now vaccinated. She does have quite the "vocabulary" to her....mostly growling at all of us. Mom suspects that it is mostly fear and she will get over it in time. But what to do about a name....

Meet Sonata: (from wikipedia) in music, literally means a piece played as opposed to a cantata (Latin and Italian cantare, "to sing"), a piece sung.
She is pretty tiny weighing just over 7 pounds. She is now safe and everything else....

Know anyone who is looking for a house panther???


  1. What a beauty! I wish I could have another panther 4 of my 15 kitties are panthers.

  2. We hope the black cat will be lucky and get a loving home quickly.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Lovely panther ! We hope she finds a home very soon ! Purrs

  4. Oh! What a lovely kitty, and the name is most excellent! Thanks for your work in bringing her in from the cold!

  5. It is so awesome that your mom is helping this kitty. I'm really glad she is safe and warm and being cared for now.

  6. Sonata sure is a pretty one and we hope she gets a home super soon.

  7. We love SOnata's name, and are sure her growling will lessen once she realizes she's in a place that will do her no harm. Purrs for someone to fall in love with her soon!

  8. That cutie does look wary - but she doesn't know yet that her world just improved by about 1000 per cent.

  9. What a pretty girl! I hope she settles in sooner than later, and her songs get a bit happier.

  10. She just looks like she doesn't know what is happening . We too hope she finds a home really soon.

  11. Poor baby. Hope she finds a forever home as good as ours. With your human working on it, I'm sure a good home will be found.

  12. sonata....pleez take thiz werd ta bee trooth.....itz gonna bee oh kay...we promize...N we hope ya findz yur for ever...for St patricks day...♣♣♣

    signed...boomer, dai$y & tuna =^..^=


  13. Your tree is awesome!
    Sonata is adorable, hope she gets her home soon!

  14. What great names you come up with! When you mentioned Miss Rita asking about the "mini Tim and Tom" (looks-wise), I realized I had been thinking of Daiquiri as a mini-Junior (at least as far as starting games with the other cats.)

  15. Daiquiri does look a lot like Tim and Tom! No wonder she belongs there with you...and she's a friend to Junior too!

    Sonata is definitely better than Sarge for the little girl. Hopefully she calms down and is able to relax soon. Obviously she's had a tough life so far to be so afraid.

  16. That's a cool tree...we can see why you guys like it so much. And purrs that Sonata can find a home soon.

  17. Wow - so good of you to rescue Sonata - great name, too!
    I am praying you can find a home for her - you certainly do have a house full already.

    Debby in Arizona

  18. Sonata, you are a gorgeous petite girl and how I hope for a home just for you. I take it you aren't feral of mom Jeanne would not have been able to catch you.

  19. She's beautiful!
    Hey, is there room in that kit-cat tree for me? I'm small.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


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