Friday, November 14, 2014

Random Fridays

A friend of mom's sent her this link to all things Michigan (which is where mom was born and raised until age 13 - still has family there). It kind of cracked her up....oh, and that first picture you see - the only reason Hell looks so nice is it hasn't frozen over yet for the year. MOL

Our buddy Crepes is starring in a new movie - Smash Bros. you gotta check it out!!!

OMC - have you seen the video put out by Tidy Cat about #kittentherapy and stress relief?? No?? you gotta check it out here   Be prepared to spend some serious time watching kitten videos though  :)

Yep - that is Kahlua getting her we don't know quite what on.....  She is just about big enough to be spayed, so that is on the agenda.....

It is seriously cold here now.....please stay safe and warm - and take care of your pets and neighbors.


  1. Great videos. That kitten is just too cute. It is getting cold here too. Good luck to Kahlua.

  2. All kinds of adorbs there! Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend! Purrs...

  3. Those are some great videos! The one from Crepes made us MOL. And the kitten therapy one .. adorable!

  4. It's cold here, too! I ran out side and straight back in when I felt the concrete on my tootsies. Yikes! Thanks for the share! We appreciate it! :) - Crepes.

  5. heerz two a happee week oh end with plentee oh pie rat perch on yur platez ♥

  6. We're gonna check out that All Things Michigan link since we live here. :) Have a great weekend!

  7. Mommy says THIS is why she doesn't play video games!

  8. Oh, Kahlua! You are such a pretty kitten!

  9. kahlua girl, way ta just let it all hang....!


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