Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Our old man turned 19 years old last fall. A couple of weeks ago the pet sitter found a lump at the back of his jaw.

Our v-e-t came last night. Mo and Spud were due for check ups and vaccines. They are doing well though Mo did try to bite the tech (oh my).

As for Maestro, they took some samples from the lump. He is kind of stiff as well but things are limited for cats. We should hear something back by the end of the week. The doctor thinks it involves his salivary gland....either an infection or a tumor. Mom talked to the vet about how much to do and while mom can medicate him she is reluctant to go to extremes due to his age. We will keep you all posted.


  1. I hope the lump is nothing serious. Eric had a lump at the back of his jaw too, and the vet thought it was the salivary gland and said to just watch it and bring him back if it caused a problem. He had it for about 4 years and it never gave him any problems. I hope Rambler's lump is the same.

  2. Sending lots of pawhugs and POTP your way. Hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about.

  3. Purrs and purrayers for Maestro. We hope it's something easily treated, definitely not a tumour.

  4. We are purring for Maestro and hope it nothing nasty.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. deep rumbly purrs of healing and comfort for you and Maestro..I hope it turns out to be nothing

  6. I am sending LOTS of purrs to Maestro! Paws crossed for the best.

  7. Maestro, good for you to make it to 19. That is pretty darn good. Hope that lump is nothing. We sure send tons of purrs for ya to be all right. Take care.

  8. We are crossing our paws and sending loud purrs for Maestro.

  9. We will say prayers for our buddy Maestro!!!
    Play bows,

  10. dood...we due knot even knead ta tell blessings oh St Francis headed yur way that yur testz ree sults come bak aye oh kay N ya just haza nastee infectionz goin on...nothin else ♥

  11. Given the two choices, we're hoping it's an infection, and that it can be treated. Purring and praying for you, Maestro!

  12. Oh I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is. All hooves and paws crossed here.

  13. So sorry to hear about the lump. Sending good thoughts your way.

  14. Sure hope it's nothing serious…he is a very handsome 19 year old guy!!!

  15. We purring for the best for Maestro. :)

  16. Lots of purrs heading your way Maestro. We hopes this turns out to be nothing serious!

    Hugs to mom too!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  17. Oh, we're sending lots and lots of purrs and positive thoughts for Maestro.
    We also hope it's nothing serious for your sweet boy.

  18. Oh paws crossed! We sure do hope it's only an infection - though even that at age 19 can be no fun :(


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